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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. Rpfc, are Richmond calling you again? Far out, they don't leave you alone! Please don't take their coaching position though
  2. Ash, I for one completely feel that it's a good thing that you talk about the Bombers when they come up. I have always been one to advocate that there should be more diverse discussion on here that is not so Melbourne-focused - to which I received the intelligent response that we shouldn't, "that's why it's called Demonland."
  3. Also means we won't have to cut a Buckley/Cheney. 5 picks suits me fine.
  4. We've a;ready dudded Wheels on one 150, we shouldn't do it twice (if he's up for playing this week).
  5. Ok, I'll ask the invevitable question: Who will you play?
  6. IMO, Bailey would've learnt all he could about the players on the list over the past two seasons. Whelan especially deserves a send off, as does Robbo and Wheatley. I think Hughes is the only player left, and as I've said that doesn't make sense to do.
  7. Brock Mclean having 4-5 bounces in one passage of play, priceless.
  8. We don't have 3 kids left! Our team is a bunch of kids and at a quick recount, Hughes is the only one who we doulc debut - a silly thing to do given that it would cost us extra cash, we won't learn much about him and he's off the rookie list this year. Whelan deserves at least one send off game, he has been our best defender of the last decade. Not giving him a farewell, if fit, is not harsh but cruel IMO. I'm also not so sure that Round 22 game did Grimes the world of good, he's just that good! There's no reason to think he wouldn't be as good without having played.
  9. Ash 34 is one opposition fan I'd happily hear opinions from. He's a quality poster who is more level headed than many on here. I do feel (though I may be biased) that you caught them off guard, but 100% credit to your club for blitzing them like they did. The Saints were always going to launch a challenge, a fact made easier by the Bombers having 4 injured players. You may say the Saints were unlucky not to win, but had Prismall's kick gone through it wouldn't have mattered. Ash, I do feel that Lucas being out is pretty irrelevant and that Lloyd is over the hill. Hille, speaking of him, is a big out but the team has had plenty of time to acclimatise to not having him in the 22.
  10. Was it '06 he had that really bad knee injury and probably shouldn't have been playing? (Not that I'm using that as an excuse, I just want to be sure I'm not making it up in my mind)
  11. So how do they clog our list then? Your argument is self defeating (if my understanding of the veteran's list is correct, that they would not take the spot of another player). And Roost, I see why you may believe that. But I do not consider talking of a player's career, and skewing it because of the way it finished, as semantics. I think that's unfair for a player who has given our club a lot (especially when he came in off the rookie list). I have said many times already that I don't think he should continue, but that does not mean that he "often goes missing" etc. I don't believe he should continue at the club because I think his time is well and truly up and McDonald offers far better leadership for the youth of the team.
  12. I don't understand why both must go? You get two spots on the list for veterans don't you? Removing both with only Bruce stepping in would mean we'd be one short.
  13. This is getting old very quickly, and I doubt we'll end up anywhere substantial. But I'm glad you can decide that my opinion is "not true" and "un-informed" and that you've widened your search to 4 years, rather than 3 (to include a year he kicked 42 goals as a backup forward). 73 goals in a season, including bags of 7,6,4 and 4 as the main forward at the pointy end of the season when Neitz was playing with a broken leg. I repeat for the last time, my issue comes with the statement that he "goes missing when needed most against the really good defenders" especially considering the amount of times he has stood up and the amount of quality names he has beaten. Of course he won't beat them every time, that's why they're "big name players."
  14. As I understand it, one of McDonald and Robbo must go, and Bruce can take their spot on the veterans list. I'd much prefer to keep McDonald.
  15. Here's a stat for you all, which I think sheds some light onto why we were never truly successful in the past decade: Today was only our 3rd 10 goal win since 2000. In that time, we've lost 13 under Daniher by over 10 goals and 9 in the last two seasons.
  16. This is slightly more than perplexing. If you're arguing against me, you're arguing with the statement that Robbo "goes missing when needed most against the really good defenders." You do not have to consider his past 3 years when considering this "question," because the first 9 years of his career he was a talented forward who beat many quality defenders in a side that made 6 finals. It is also not a "fact of where he is now," because a comment like that spans a career - not the final 3 seasons of a career (with 13 games lost in one of those seasons due to injury). I'm not saying he should play on, I'm saying that it is ridiculous to state that he is only good against rubbish teams and "goes missing when needed most against the really good defenders."
  17. You still cannot understand the argument that a few poor years at the end of his career does not make this statement "goes missing when needed most against the really good defenders" correct. Simple really
  18. Doesn't mean he didn't beat him the first time Roost. And RR, you're either ignoring where I'm coming from or somehow can't see it. My issue came at the comment: goes missing when needed most against the really good defenders. This is being perpetuated because of his last 3 seasons, but we should not hold these above the previous 9.
  19. "goes missing when needed most against the really good defenders." That was the quote. He's in the twilight of his career and as such has not beaten many quality opponents (he did beat Scarlett this year). My point is that he is at the twilight of his career and it's ridiculous to claim he "goes missing when needed against really good defenders" just because he hasn't for the last few seasons. Mind you, how often in the last 3 years has he been "needed."
  20. I also think Frawley deserves credit for a solid win.
  21. No need to go overboard. Robbo has often outplayed some very classy opponents. Ridiculous to claim otherwise because he's at the twilight end of his career.
  22. I meant literally, how did you see it?
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