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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. I said I had doubts. (Based on some of his performances). Feel free to quote me though. I'm sure I made some exaggerated gameday remarks.
  2. I didn't want Oscar playing in our back line last year. And I stand by my point, being that if we were a club that had key position backline depth and experience last year, he would have been developing at VFL level given his level of output. In my view, that's the reality of the situation. We risked not bringing in anyone in the hope that he'd develop. Yeh, maybe I was on his case a lot throughout last season and some posters found it offensive, repetitive and boring. But it's a football forum and I'm not here to be polite, toe the company line or make friends at every opportunity. There are plenty of those type of posters here. It can be argued that we'd have been better off bringing in a mature age key defender last year which would not only have limited opposition scoring opportunities and provided confidence in our other defenxers, but would have allowed Oscar to develop at VFL. (Something I've said 90,000 times). I'm not the only one that holds this view. Perhaps we could have made the finals with a change like that. Who knows? What I couldn't foresee and was clearly wrong about is where Oscar's improvement was going to come from. I'd said that I couldn't see a single outstanding trait that he possessesed last year. This year, we've at least seen that he does possess the ability to take strong intercept marks. Doing it on a few occasions in games. I understand part of being a successful scout is about being able to identify these things. Whether or not my views on Oscar diminish my ability to scout is questionable. Last year he was not performing, they're the facts. I'm not at the club and don't see him every day, so obviously my insight is hindered somewhat. He is progressing and showing good signs, let's agree on that.
  3. The talk of this being the 'real test' is a bit over the top imo given the host of players Adelaide will be missing. Walker, Sloane, McGovern, Brad Crouch, Brodie Smith and Riley Knight are all out. That's arguably 4 of their top 6/7 most influential and important players. Matt Crouch is a test and no certainty yet and if he misses then it's another super important player missing for them. We're going into this game at full strength and we should account for them comfortably. That's the reality. It all depends on which Melbourne show up. It's all well and good for players like Melksham, ANB and Harmes to find form against lower opposition. The test now is for them to carry on playing at the level they are against tougher sides. I expect us to win and not fall over at this elementary hurdle.
  4. @binman Quite a long-winded post. I think the main difference of opinion comes from an emotional standpoint. It sounds like you are quite offended with some of my commentary which is why you can't seem to let this go. That's okay, but I'm not going to apologise for my frustration at some of Oscar's performances last year. I've mentioned it so many times before, but I wanted the club to bring in a mature-aged player to play key position and allow Oscar to develop at VFL level. They decided not to and I'm of the opinion that he was thrown to the wolves last year and was clearly not ready. I'm not alone with that view and I'm also not the only one who thought our key defensive stocks were ordinary last year. We leaked many goals with Oscar and Frost both contributing to it. You disagree with that, that's fine. His improvement and growth this year has been enormous simply because of the low base he was coming from. What I've said is that I'm happy to admit is that I was wrong about some attributes that I simply didn't see him possessing. This year, he's actually had games where he has won contests. Some of those contests coming from contested intercept marks. The Hawthorn game comes to mind as one. Against Carlton, he wasn't as strong as he's been. Hopefully he keeps up his consistency in performance. I'm not going to respond after this, so I suggest you pm me if you're still unhappy.
  5. Should always be playing in the guts with rests either on the pine or at half-forward. He is ball player. No more experimenting thanks Simon. Gussy looks to be gaining more and more confidence with each game, can't wait to watch him develop further.
  6. Obviously there's no hiding the fact that we've beaten some ordinary sides over the past four weeks and the Adelaide game will be a big step up. The positives that come with us winning all those games can't be underestimated however. * Tom McDonald and Jack Viney are now back. Arguably two of our top 5 most important players? *The restructured forward-line has changed us for the better. Tom, Jesse and one of Weed/Smith rotating with Gawn. * Positional changes being key to the rise in individual performances. That includes Brayshaw playing his natural position, speed added to the wings with Fritsch now playing there. * A host of players have played themselves into some really good form thanks to playing some of these lesser sides and we go into a game against Adelaide brimming with confidence and hunger. All of these points are massive and we've set ourselves up really nicely with three very winnable games before the bye.
  7. I had every right to complain about his form last year. I wasn’t the only one. The MFC chose to go into 2017 with an obvious lack of key position players both talent-wise and depth. Oscar was therefor gifted games with an eye for the long term. I didn’t agree with it because it contributed to our poor performances defensively. Clearly he is much improved this year. It doesn’t bother me that you’re offended by my posts. It’s a forum for supporters. And as a supporter I have the right to question all decisions made by the club, whether they’re right or wrong.
  8. Haha. Yes... (No). I do wonder why we didn’t opt for a stop gap key defender when there were plenty out there and let Oscar develop at VFL last year. I don’t wish to bore ppl with that though. What’s done is done. He is performing now, and that’s all that matters I guess.
  9. Happy to post and admit that Oscar is clearly playing really good football this year. I genuinely didn't think that he was capable of some of the intercept marking I've seen so far this season. So clearly I was wrong about the 'lack of potential' I saw. But in my defence, he was playing to a level that was far from AFL level last year. I stand by that observation. I understand the club sacrificed team performance by playing him when he was clearly not ready. Oscar is now heading in a positive direction and if he keeps up the intercept work, he could shock me even more. Well done to the juvenile Giraffe.
  10. I'd just like to send my sincere condolences to the Dom Tyson fan club. I really feel for you, but clearly, you're on your own now. @Wrecker45 you can pass it on to the crew. In other news, it's nice to see Smith get another shot, I thought he showed a bit in the limited game time we saw from him. Although his inclusion gives me the impression we'll see T-Mac in the ruck at times. I'm not worried about this game in the slightest.
  11. His own problem. When Kent is at his best, clearly he is a best 22 player. The fact that we see his best so infrequently means he isn’t. Coming back to pre-season with condition doesn’t help he cause either. He needs to speak to Salem or Oliver about getting fit.
  12. Absolutely unbelievable that he is only 20. So lucky to have him.
  13. Having now heard Goody’s presser, it’s pretty clear that Garlett is close but won’t play this week. I see it being, (and hope) Viney for Tyson.
  14. Yeh well this is where we can disagree. I didn’t view his game as anything great. A small forward who got on the end of a few thanks to the sheer number of inside 50’s we had is nothing impressive. In general play, he continues to turn the ball over, scrap kicks forward without looking or fumble the ball in the contest. I get that Goodwin likes him, but what exactly is he providing our side that we don’t have? Apart from a large tank? It’s fine to be able to pressure the opposition. But if you turn it over yourself, your pressure acts are cancelled out. When Garlett is in form, he is a much more valuable player. And I’d bite the bullet in a game like this and bring him in against Carlton.
  15. No idea what will happen but I’d much rather: Ins: Viney, Garlett Outs: Tyson, ANB
  16. Take a quote out of context and look what happens.. It was Tim who was questioning whether or not we’ll play him. Gary was simply saying they’ll pick him when his ready. Wow. What a news grab.
  17. Anonymous. It's a forum for supporters to express their views m8. Deal with it.
  18. Unbelievable player, super lucky to have him. This year looks like he's genuinely loving it, loving the club and loving his team mates.
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