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demon me

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Posts posted by demon me

  1. sew all your scarves together and make a bed cover...looks great !!!

    Great idea ! I have that many I could make a king size maybe I,ll just pull out my old one that mum made u know the old ones that came down to the ground :rolleyes:

    I might evan pull out the old duffel coat ;) Nah it wouldnt fit !!!

  2. lol interesting that between that post and this 3 people have claimed to be in the 2 and only 1 in the 98?

    i like brad miller. i always have, and was one of his biggest advocates back in the day (when he could perform and looked promising). since then he has been abysmal. he has let himself down, and the club. he has all the right physical attributes. he has the maturity and the leadership. does he have the footballing skills and confidence? he hasnt the last few years. he has been terrible. he can't kick, his pack marking is questionable, and im not sure if he knows what decision making is. if he finds form, is utilised correctly and improves on key areass, he could be a valuable contributor.

    i think he should be placed closer to goals (and newton at CHF) so that his kicking is not as much of an issue. at best he could hold down a position and be a solid contributor. at worst i think he has value in a bits and parts tall who will succeed benny holland. if we had of got a decent offer for him i wouldve traded him in a heartbeat, but he has more value to us as a 24ish strong tall than a 17 yo small-midfielder picked up at pick 55 would.

    I like him but he hasnt been the same since they made him play soft thats not the way he natually plays, I hope he gets back to the way he was taught to play and then we can make a real call on him and I think it will be positive

  3. Same here. :angry:

    Can someone call SEN during the SoapBox session and just bring Judd up again?

    I need to hear more news, or rumours or just something!

    I heard today that judd was impressed with Bailey and that were in the box seat!

    I dont know what were offering but I heard Colin Silvias name

  4. does it bother anyone else that we had both lyon and stynes there? it's not like either are involved with the club in any official capacity... seems like we were perhaps trying a bit hard to remind judd about the past and not the future?

    It never hurts to tug the heart strings every now and again plus hes good friends with gary and jimmys into good things which he might just be into himself

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