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The Ooze

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Posts posted by The Ooze

  1. this is 2007 you DONT adjust to the game you play.. you PLAY it from day 1..this is what professionals do...its their craft and thats what the preseason is for...to iron out the bugs and hones the gameplan etc.

    .to hand your opponents..all of them a 3 game freeby is suicide.

    Then why is it that Carlton seem to be on top of the game pre-season yet performs abysmally in the real thing? I agree with you on the fact that preseason helps players adjust to the AFL season, but I believe it is very different to the actual season, not only in terms of the game rules and giving youngsters game experience, but also the fact that clubs don't give away their strategies until the season starts, sometimes not even until the finals.

  2. Im 21, from melbourne and been following the deez since 2000. I like how they generally play very 'dignified' footy

    I'm not a hardcore fan, but I attend a few matches every year and watch it on TV when it's on free-to-air.

    Currently I'm into hip hop, R&B music. Also like a bit of rock

    ps, i really love the layout of this forum - very professional looking and jam-packed with features :)

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