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Posts posted by joeboy

  1. Bartram - nothing to commend

    Bell - pretended to try

    Bruce - showed little interest

    Buckley - took opposition on

    Carroll - tried but failed

    Frawley - little to enthuse

    Garland - stood up manfully

    Green - needs the holiday

    Grimes - a forgettable debut

    Holland - a forgettable farewell

    Jones - slow to act

    McDonald - a miserable game

    Maric - little boy lost

    Miller - big boy lost

    Morton - failed to impress

    Petterd - needn't have played

    Sylvia - terrific until injured

    Warnock - continued to try

    Wheatley - lacked any resolve

    Whelan - had no influence

    White - a lazy game

    Yze - prolific but ineffective

  2. I got a phone call from the club last night, enquiring if is was going to the Debt Demolition Luncheon, I told the young lady unfortunately due to work that I couldn't make it. I did ask however how many had already accepted and she answered 300.

    Which means even at the minimum qualifying donation of $500.00 a seat that is at least $150,000.00, absolutely sensational.

    I'll be there so I can provide a 3 word analysis if required

  3. At least make your 3 words for "brevity" accurate. I bet you feel important being able to provide your "analysis" after each game though, so hey, go right ahead. And for the record... I'll read what I please, even if it means sifting through your tripe.

    Don't you mean 'make your 3 word analysis agree with my point of view' ?

    Thanks for taking the time out of your important day to read my'tripe '

  4. Saw that early this morning - the game was irrelevent - only the vote and scors given. to show how irrelevent we are becoming, Dromana football club got a feature ahead of our game.

    But if you offer up the rubbish and poor game plan we did yesterday, then we deserve it.

    The Age actually did report the game and gave votes to Bell and Whelan , whilst declaring Garland's game as 'brilliant '.

    I suggest that the HeraldSun and Age journalists were getting drunk together and not actually at the game .

  5. Because they either state the complete obvious or they are completely wrong. For example:

    To say Stef Martin looked "lost", yet Warnock "tried" is wrong. Not only is it wrong to say that Warnock tried but Martin didn't, but no backline would have stemmed the flow today. Did you put this into perspective? Obviously not.

    Same goes for the forwards. You get stuck into Newton and Bate, yet the disposal to them was TERRIBLE all day. What do you expect them to do? Forwards rely on good deilvery and even though they didn't get it today, both at least made an effort to provide a contest, Newton especially. Again, no perspective. Sure they didn't get much of it and they only kicked a goal each, but they didn't exactly get decent deilvery.

    At least you got stuck into our midfield, which as always was horrible. Happy now... joe"girl"? :rolleyes:

    Well 'nosebleed' , if I wanted to write an essay on the merits or otherwise of each player's performance then I'd be wasting space and energy so I restrict myself to 3 words for brevity , and to provide WHAT I BELIEVE TO BE ,the overall sense of the players' performances ON THE DAY - note the thread's title .

    There are 3 things you can do now as far as I'm concerned :

    - offer to pay me MORE for this weekly 'tripe'and I promise I'll agree with your summation of each player's performance .

    - don't offer me the Archibald Prize .

    - don't read the 'tripe ' again and just present your own breakaway analysis.

    : flicks ponytails over shoulders to indicate grumpiness and reapplies makeup :

  6. Bartram - devoid of skill

    Bate - not on field

    Bell - not on field

    Bruce- little to enthuse

    Buckley - good first half

    Dunn - not on field

    Garland - just a spectator

    Green - missing when needed

    Jamar - murdered in ruck

    Jones - a poor game

    McDonald - our only trier

    Martin - looked totally lost

    Miller - very limited involvement

    Morton - classy but flawed

    Newton - a schoolboy's performance

    Sylvia - tried all day

    Warnock - tried but limited

    Wheatley - loose and ineffective

    Whelan - game to forget

    White - lost Carlton's interest

    Yze - a farewell nightmare

    Wonaeamirri - continued poor month

  7. Bartram - good defensive run

    Bate - little to commend

    Bell - aggressive but flawed

    Bruce - plenty of possessions

    Buckley - better disposal today

    Frawley - an encouraging display

    Green - year's best game

    Jamar - made few mistakes

    P.Johnson - excellent despite restriction

    Jones - mostly well held

    McDonald - fine captain's game

    Maric - was disappointing today

    Martin - occasionally a spectator

    Miller - good not great

    Morton - effective and prolific

    Newton - brief cameo involvement

    Sylvia - exciting and frustrating

    Warnock - some defensive run

    Wheatley - prolific and reliable

    Whelan - tackling to behold

    Valenti - just a game

    Wonaeamirri - little when needed

  8. Weighting for this game is a year low .2611 which reflects the miserable performance we saw from the team today. Still, somebody has to get some votes --- so take it away folks!

    6,5,4,3,2,1 and please be serious ...

    6- Bruce

    5- McDonald

    4 -Maric

    3- Valenti

    2- Whelan

    1 - P. Johnson

  9. Bartram - loose and reckless

    Bate - abysmal forward pressure

    Bruce - our only winner

    Buckley - tried but failed

    Carroll - justified his return

    Dunn - still learning role

    Frawley - little to commend

    Green - just a game

    C.Johnson - not as prolific

    P.Johnson - effective but limited

    Jones - very little impact

    McDonald - battled overwhelming odds

    Maric - exciting and talented

    Martin - out of depth

    Morton - poor when pressured

    Sylvia - tried but limited

    Warnock - tried but failed

    Wheatley - disposal was disappointing

    Whelan - reliable as expected

    White - age has wearied

    Valenti - burrowed and persevered

    Wonaeamirri - a poor game

  10. Bartram - brave but erratic

    Bate - constantly provided target

    Bell - aggressive but flawed

    Bruce - plenty of possessions

    Buckley - tried but mistakeridden

    Davey - insignificant until injured

    Dunn - fine tagging game

    Garland - overly difficult assignment

    Green - just a game

    Jamar - outstanding in tapouts

    C. Johnson- not as effective

    P. Johnson - enjoyed his efforts

    McDonald - gave constant drive

    Maric - promising but tiny

    Martin - occasionally a spectator

    Morton - elusive and effective

    Sylvia - season's best game

    Warnock - found opponent intimidating

    wheatley - lacked customary run

    Whelan - played as expected

    Valenti - continues to impress

    Wonaeamirri - a poor game

  11. Newton will certainly be a valuable player for us for many years IMO .

    He has had a poor year because of injury and suspension - obviously being unable therefore to gain momentum .

    There are , however ,giant upsides to the guy who is extremely young and inexperienced in football terms . He is very tall and extremely agile for his size; very smart ( albeit lazy ) on the field ; a huge , and usually accurate kick ;and with a body that is ripe for developing over the summer .

    You don't give up on players of his size when there is so much to gain with patience !

  12. Bartram - tried but failed

    Bate - disappeared when needed

    Bell - comprehensively poor game

    Bruce - year's worst game

    Buckley - thrilling first half

    Davey - missing too often

    Dunn - was rarely sighted

    Garland - very quiet game

    Jamar - little to enthuse

    C.Johnson - continued his renaissance

    P.Johnson -easily our best

    Jones - a better game

    McDonald - rusty but valuable

    Maric - commendable first effort

    Martin - was rarely noticed

    Miller - good first half

    Morton - some classy touches

    Newton - freakish but flawed

    Sylvia - worked into game

    Warnock - a poor game

    Whelan - tough and uncompromising

    Valenti - enjoyed his game

  13. Thank you to all those who have made disparraging remarks about me and this thread .

    How about you all read the opening lines of my opening comment before you all jump to the defence of poor young Cale ?

    IN case you missed it I will go over my points carefully .


    NOTE - No mention is ever made of him being a crap player !!!!!

    Joeboy sees Morton's brother [censored] himself and fumble and turn over the ball for Hawthorn every time a StKilda player puts pressure on him .

    The next day Joeboy sees Cale do the exact same thing after quarter time against the Fockers when the pressure was exerted .

    Joboy reports that he is dismayed to think that there is a propensity for the Morton brothers to [censored] themselves and turnover the ball when confronted by opposition pressure .

    Goodbye that is all .

  14. BANG!

    I heard from my sister's boyfriend's uncle's neighbour who is an Iraqi refugee who lives in Darwin that Cale Morton actually has hands for feet, and so every kick he does is actually a handball, and he should be commended for getting it so far.


    By the way, is stupidity genetic?

    So what's this guy's name ?

    BTW just read my first thread and don't get carried away with your vitriol .

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