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The Devil Inside

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Everything posted by The Devil Inside

  1. The Club hasn't tweeted it yet, has that guy gone off early?
  2. Bernie was just Bernie, don't think he knows either, when talking to Mark Jamar he actually apologised for being arrogant when he assumed he would be playing
  3. From the body language I would be very surprised if either Brayshaw or Vandenberg are in Another bit from training, when squad broke into groups, both Fitzpatrick and McKenzie trained with the derfence and Frost did more ruck work with Stafford
  4. Hogan got through ... here is the rest: No shows - Petracca and Trengove. Hunt in rehab. Fitzpatrick arrived late. ANB nearly full session again, followed by a solid workout on bags and wrestling obviously building up confidence in his knee. Spoke to Jayden Hunt, they have the cause of his back issue sorted, now just a matter of starting running again, has been doing bike and swimming, so hasn't lost his base fitness. You could sense the tenseness and anticipation in all the players. Howie still doesn't know whether he has done enough. Dom Tyson is really looking forward to Saturday, feeling great. Congratulated HL on his 200 games, really humble. Told Jesse Hogan to just enjoy the game, nearly took my arm off shaking my hand. Thanked Dave Misson for having 40 players ready to go two days from start of season. Photobombed by Chris Dawes again. Any questions feel free, pictures will be on my Twitter Demonpk later this afternoon.
  5. Seeing that the bloke he is best mates with and has played a lot of footy with has extended his contract, you would think Christian will do the same if offered, probably understands with the knee injury, it will be a matter of waiting to see if he recovers completely
  6. Actually I joked about that Hardtack, sat at the back from day one at the Club, same with Hogan, opposite with Tommy Mc always at the front
  7. Hughes is like a lot of the modern comedians to quote the comedic giant John Cleese "they have developed comedy for people without a sense of humour"
  8. I haven't read all the thread, has anybody mentioned it will also be HL's 200th game, expect a big one from him
  9. I've seen him walk a couple, a couple of weeks ago, does that count? Bouncing the ball at the same time, so hasn't lost that skill
  10. I think he was just glad to see us Six
  11. Wade Lees replied to my tweet he said "if Asada don't appeal, you will hear my opinion"....interesting
  12. Michie was doing most of the in and under work on Saturday along with Riley, a lot of Brayshaw's possessions were as described previously, on the outside You have seen Brayshaw live?
  13. My Six, that's a big one......
  14. Yes he did, I asked him on Twitter for a comment
  15. Mathew Lloyd on Twitter It doesn t matter what club you barrack for, that is a great result for the game of Australian rules football. Bring on Thursday night!! I replied it was rubbish
  16. Believe Caroline Wilson is at this moment in a state of disrepair outside the gate of the Bomber drome
  17. McKenzie has been training and playing in defence for most of the pre season
  18. If you ask him, he agrees that is what he brings haha
  19. It is good for the players because Hird and the Club forced them to do it, although you think some would have questioned what was going on?
  20. Kane Cornes just tweeted it was brilliant news, suppose he blames Hird and the club for the situation
  21. Whilst I am not surprised, I am disgusted, if I was Saad or Wade Lees I would be on the phone now
  22. I agree, I don't think he is in good form, he was pretty ordinary at training on Monday, did everything but just didn't shine
  23. We are all talking Ablett, but he is one player, if we can shut down the players around him, the Suns have some talent, he can't do everything (although some think he can), if we can minimise the damage of the next play after Ablett has touched it we may get somewhere Eade will have to be concerned with Lumumba, Nathan Jones,Tyson and Garlett and especially Salem of half back, I expect him to play a defensive forward on Salem
  24. Agreed, it is pleasure to watch him cruise around at training, he also acknowledges all the support staff and the few he sees watching regularly, liked him since he said my scooter was cool, he is also spending a lot of time with Goodwin, including last Saturday.
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