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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I just loaded SpyHunter and RegHunter on all my computers/Laptops. The program appears to work well and helps stops the hijacking of search engines. It appears to keep Malware/Spyware at bay.
  2. I just have to find the place first. The only Australian Map I could find was these two.
  3. May be we can have a pie night in 2018 after our Captain holds up the Premiership Cup
  4. But the important news is the Big banana is safe
  5. I feel the need for a Royal Commission into this matter
  6. But the question is which AFL team will he be a star in?
  7. From Ben-Her I take this as a compliment The great thing about our current PM, actually its the only good thing I would say about him, is the longer he remains in office the more material I will have to post on this thread.
  8. Don't encourage him He bad enough as it is.
  9. There is no party that can be trusted. Its now all about self interest and paying back political debts.
  10. Agree The Bush family is also in to oil and will make money out of these actions. IMO the Bush family is beyond contempt. The Grandfather of G W Bush Jnr had his bank taken away from him as he was funding the German war effort. I am sure there is more evil acts but at this time I can not think of any.
  11. Now for something special Time to relax after all my pre season training.
  12. Its time to get ready for war! Season 2014 is just about here. And we should not get flogged by 15 goals a game. This season we are not going down without a fight (or you will see at least to men cry, Frog and OD)
  13. I know he is a DH as well as his war criminal mates. What a dangerous man he is.
  14. BB its all in the preparation and presentation. As we males all know "Man Flu" is extremely dangerous and should not be spread. All cases of "Man Flu" should be quaranteed to avoid spreading this deadly disease to others. But if its lated discovered that you don't have "Man Flu" but say "Asian Flu" then you should be able to go out in public. Good thing you already have a ticket to the football and it would be a waste not to use it. Also you will need to seek further medical advice Mr Frog who just happens to be at the game. This is starting to remind me of that beer ad were the guys all meet up at the same hotel.
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