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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Whats a good area to sit in and watch the game? Second thoughts may be watching the games is not so important after how badly we play against good sides.
  2. Jazza I found one of your cows the other day. I don't know what you are feeding them but I am sure Biff wants a kilo or two of it.
  3. Only way to answer this type of thing is by winning. Pity our team is still learning the basics of how to play AFL and is not in the position to do anymore then win the occassional game here and there.
  4. Sorry WJ but its a new MFC and there no time to be centimemtal. YOUR GONE!
  5. Since we are not trying to win games this season I not rushed over East to watch a live game this season. But t I me is getting away from me so it looks like the Hawks game is a goer. It my understanding that due to the cold weather warm beer is all the rage at the Gat these days. So how do I go about placing an order for a few cold ones?
  6. Dam those City People! Us Country People also get forgotten
  7. Never had a parent that supported the Dees myself. Best I can do is an uncle who I rarely see, However the day my parents became Shocker members was a very dark day for me indeed, as this is the team I dislike the second most of all other AFL clubs. Mind you my father could never accept the fact I support a Victorian based team. To say he was very unhappy is an understatement. But that could of be due to the fact the MFC could play football back then and the Shockers were just bad. It was great when I could ring my parents after a Melbourne v Shocker game and sing "It a grand old flag" to my father. That was great times indeed.
  8. Oh I had only one meaning there Mr Moon and that was to recruit them into supporting a football team, in this case the Melourne football Club before they get recruited by some other Clubs supporter. You know it most be done as MY GOD MAN they could become a Collingwood Supporter! Noone would want that to happen.
  9. Are you sure OD as my letter demanding a premiership in 2014 has sadly been misfiled.
  10. The secret which my Father used on me is to get them in while they are still young.
  11. Sorry Red I don't swing that way. But a warm drink would go down a treat,
  12. Now those were the day, playing footy in the mud. Why are the youth of today so spoilt?
  13. According to another thread YES as its all about potential and not actual performances that counts.
  14. You are likely right RBB but personally I believe the matter is that serious I would kick the sobs out of the league without a second thought.
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