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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I think OD is a little lost in Mexico
  2. Overseas enjoying himself
  3. I did not think the AFL cared if anyone is on Drugs these days. You can even keep a Brownlow if you were on Drugs at the time of winning it.
  4. Only the Professor, Biff and Moonie at this stage.
  5. Pity their not from the MFC, delisted player I mean. We have so many VFL standard players it would be nice to get more AFL standard ones.
  6. I would give myself 10 days in any army before they kicked me out if it was for a war I did not believe in. Because whatever they told me to do I would do the opposite. Conscription in Australia is only for the direct defense of the nation and not for over sea wars. They real criminal was those politicians who breached the law by sending conscripted soldiers to fight in the Yanks war.
  7. I came so close to not Supporting the Dees due to the appointment of Goodwin as Senior Assistant Coach. As I hate any drugs in sport and those that support them, that much.
  8. Whatever it takes to mock this Club!
  9. It the only reason I could explain it.
  10. They have a Team? How does one join it?
  11. But they are Essendon so it does not count if they disagree with it.
  12. Brock who?
  13. $$$$$$$ Great news more costs to MessyDrug. Please tell me their are QC's who have a massive per 6 minute charge out rate? I want the cheats to in massive debt at the end of the soap opera.
  14. OMG OD Mexico is a place full of evil clowns
  15. Proof these guys will never learn
  16. So far just another boring day in the world of MessyDrugs, So here something for us to laugh at
  17. C'mon Monk give him the good old fashioned Shirt Front!
  18. Just don't make the Frog angry or feed him after midnight!
  19. The MFC needs this from its Supporters But after the first minute of game one over the past eight season all our Supporters could do is this
  20. That is fighting words Professor!
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