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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I would not jump up for joy over the financial report for the MFC. As there appears to be some very concerning issues in the Statement of Financial Position. I will need to read the report before I can comment further, but from a quick look I am very concerned.
  2. He must have gotten a hair washing appointment after all.
  3. Sorry to break the bad news Red, but the MFC has not trained in the past eight years.
  4. I have no idea what you are saying here OD. As we were innocent and had been setup by the AFL. It what they do, just ask Essendon.
  5. OD did you not know he was an AFL plant so not a true cult follower.
  6. 17th is our spot, but we could go as high as 15th depending on what happens to the Drug Cheats.
  7. I would not put it past MessyDrug to be paying for favourable media comments. Is cash for comments back?
  8. I deny that I was the Senior Coach of the Essendon Football Club in 2012. I deny I know anyone called Tanya. I deny I had ever played AFL football. I deny my name is James Hird.
  9. Is it true that Biff has married Vyvyan's sister and they are now on their honeymoon avoiding the authorities over a few bad business deals?
  10. We must have employed that Wallace guy from MessyDrugs to do our website.
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