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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. You mean $199.99 Do we still have a 1 cent coin?
  2. To be fair I think old Clarke was just trying out for a part in Rockie 12 When the DEES flogged the Hawks.
  3. BBO I was watching the game against the Tigers and saw you in the crowd with your shirt off. I know it was an exiting game but for the sake of the children and OD can you NEVER do that again.
  4. I am starting to love how he plays it hard. Not sure where the hand was going but if it put this nancy boy off his game, who cares.
  5. I think he is showing signs of depression http://www.richmondfc.com.au/video/2015-04-25/round-4-hardwick-postmatch
  6. Someone has an anger management issue!
  7. With the first dollar you had ever made?
  8. Bernie has finally made it He is now my Avatar Love the way he makes the opposition want to cry
  9. Loved the female roller skaters video in the other thread DC. I had a good laugh when I saw it.
  10. Its just netball is suppose to be a non-contact sport. True, I could have used another sport as a reference such as swimming, vollyball, cricket etc. How will the MFC ever win another flag if those players who play the game hard are not encouaged to do so by the supporters. True they can go too far by king hotting another player hehide the play or taking banned substances. If the tagging was too much for the boy he could have gotten off the field and let another player take his place.
  11. Sorry, I think you have the wrong forum here, I have linked the women's netball website for you below http://netball.com.au/ Now back to the full body contact sport of Australian rules football.
  12. This thread titles is why you should never mix drugs and sport. Wait according to the AFL drugs are Ok as long as the entire team takes them and you don't keep any records. My mistake, keep going then.
  13. If we lose another game or two it may cost us the 2015 Premiership.
  14. Does the current AFL leadership have any good men?
  15. Corporate owned sports will do that to you Red.
  16. There is only one answer to not knowing who took what and that is to ban the Club from the league for 2 years.
  17. So do I have this correct? Illegal substances had been sourced for the EFC but no one took them and they simply vanished without trace.
  18. Are they looking for their next injection?
  19. Which model typewriter did you get Biff?
  20. May be they regularly defrag their hard drive with the old format c command?
  21. To improve things as change is always better.
  22. It Canberra only bad things happen there.
  23. True but until this year it would not have mattered either way.
  24. Maybe if the season was only 1 game long the MFC could have ended 2015 in the top four. Another missed opportunity because of the AFL's greed.
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