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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. No Red, Tanya has decided that Wednesday will be replaced with Hirdday from now on.
  2. So I will get you a membership form for the Wildcats OD?
  3. Come to the light OD and support the Perth Wildcats. You know you want to!
  4. Professor this one is for you big fella
  5. Did the USA President want us to send in our commandos to Iraq?
  6. This one is for all the Grand Parents out there
  7. If it not a financial based calculation, who cares!
  8. Now I know why Jazza a dairy farmer! Clearly they get more ladies then Biff.
  9. Jazza I found another family picture.
  10. Don't think there been any AFL football for about the past eight years
  11. It was always my understanding that is how you get someone else's wife. The other trick I heard was the wife put a pack of OMO in the front window to signal her BF. The OMO stood for 'Old Man Out'. It was a wild Town in its day,
  12. Reminds me of a story I was told about a football club I played for up North in a mining town that was located in a desert. Side note, the team jumper was the same as the MFC I was told that to help fund raise for the construction of a new club house/change rooms they had parties where they put their keys into a container... Do I need to say any more?
  13. It kind of like a shareholders meeting but in WA Local Government there are no shareholders just electors/ratepayers.
  14. I assume you can get one in Perth. But I live in the country so I its likely I would have to make my own.
  15. Dam I got an Electors Meeting that night.
  16. The series of people drinking fresh milk continues
  17. Jazza you have a lot of explaining to do!
  18. Don't do it OD as it a trick. Black and red berries is clearly an illegal substance so WADA will be coming to get you if you drink it.
  19. True your are but we forgive you as you do support the right AFL team.
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