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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I know there was something about Canadians I did not like.
  2. Myth Busters After many hour of intensive research down at the local, I had proven beyond any reasonable doubt that anyone can type the word "Thymomodulin" into a spreadsheet without actually have the substance in their possession. Next week we will be investigating how a factory that only produces Thymosin beta-4 in China can turn this substance into Thymomodulin.
  3. Mr Hird has repeatedly stated he has not heard any evidence that can proves the Essendon FC used any illegal substance. After careful research I think I have discovered why
  4. BBO you just over acted too much for my liking. Otherwise I did enjoy Mad Max 4
  5. I only know who she is because of her husband. Does that make someone prominent?
  6. The Mad Max series is an Australian cultural classic. It does appear that some posters in this thread do lack the ability to truly understand the classics. It is clearly impossible to educate all of the lower classes.
  7. Lets all agree to at least one thing. TODAY never existed. On a brighter note I have 2 x Mad Max 3D tickets for tomorrow afternoon.
  8. Oh dear I just seen the scores. I don't think I should watch the game on my AFL Live account this week.
  9. Sorry fell asleep due all this bad weather over here in the west, have we played yet?
  10. Have you seen the behaviour of the members of other clubs?
  11. It my understanding that the players are just employees of their respective clubs?
  12. Good try boys but WADA is now coming for you!
  13. Like most of us, BB hates Drug Cheats Keep up the good work.
  14. Still way too close to us. What about the Columbian Drug Lords?
  15. Every Essendon official and supporter should not leave home without one of these
  16. Love the idea of a new club. It could have the nickname of the Injectors. The colour Red is just too good for them to have.
  17. I see the issue here they were using the wrong dots
  18. You would make an excellent AFL tribunal member one day.
  19. Is witch hunt code for illegal substance use?
  20. Now you are just saying that to get my hopes up again. If the team does gets a ban, which after that clubs behaviour in this saga would be totally justified, would the supporters still blindly follow their leadership or ask for a complete change? Slogans such as "In Hird we trust" just goes to show me how much of a cult like culture the EFC actually has. Surely the members should have already challenged their club's leadership about what was the actual substances used in the 2012 supplement program. If this simple question was not answered, which is the case, then they should have demanded a complete changes at all level of the clubs leadership. It is my view that if the members of the EFC had already stood up as a group and removed any of the clubs leadership which includes coaches, board members etc. who held positions of authority during the 2011 and 2012 supplement program , then the EFC should be allowed to continue in the AFL. By not taking this type of action, it is my view, the EFC members as a group must actually support the supplement program and any substances that had been used. Therefore their club should receive the full penalty associated with an illegal substance program if this can be proven by WADA to CAS satisfaction. How anger would the EFC members be, if the club receives a ban which stops their club from participating in the AFL competition as in my view the AFL was only ever interested in imposing a token punishment to ensure there was very little impact on the league and its lucrative TV rights contract.
  21. Correct me if I am wrong but as Melbourne supporters we are all clearly from the upper classes?
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