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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Don't speak too soon DC, I would love to see them removed from the AFL forever. I can not stand drug cheats and all those who protect them.
  2. True, I was there about 8 years ago. Loved the place and its people. It is sad to see what is currently happening to the place.
  3. I have been to Syria DC, the place is too good for them.
  4. For drug cheats ! NO WAY. A life ban would be letting them off too lightly IMO.
  5. Indeed as he did play for Essendon. That Club is full of them!
  6. Never been a big fan of change for change sake. When your on a winner, stick with it! Not into any sort of blood sports which includes fishing and frog killing.
  7. http://www.botgard.ucla.edu/html/botanytextbooks/economicbotany/Musa/
  8. Its not that they don't understand. its just they don't care.
  9. I feel your pain BBO. Tell us all who forced you to play that awful game? So you can move on with you life, pain free.
  10. Spreading more misinformation? In this thread it's all about the banana plant.
  11. Does Hirdy pay you by the hour or the number of forum posts you do? I see your Lance Uppercut and raise you a swift kick in the family jewels.
  12. Congrats Is he in the MFC development side yet? We need more quality mids.
  13. There appears to be many thing I don't like about Canada Now this is simply going too far!
  14. You must forgive her RBB as she has been drinking. As who can hates Vegemite?
  15. Go to bed Maple and sleep off the booze, you are drunk!
  16. Think he at a compulsory cult meeting. I am sure he will be back in contact soon.
  17. Can someone tell me where the AFL or WADA has in its guidelines to destroy records? Did I actually hear Mr Hird say he takes full responsibility? Does anyone know what are the right processes Mr Hird was referring too? It is funny how they deliberately removed any Essendon colours from their clothing when attending the press conference. The Clubs ex President said that information they gathered over 24/48 hours was slightly concerning.
  18. My votes is for Mark Needle as the next Carlton coach as he has experience at the AFL level.
  19. Another great game,especially now knowing or not what Essendon Players had been taking. Maybe they had too heavy a dose of supplements that week?
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