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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I think you miss understand the intention of the Integrity Officer's role at the AFL as it appears to be responsible for the removal of anyone who has any integrity from positions of power at the AFL. Otherwise I have no idea why they would have such a position because I am unable to see any indication of integrity in the leadership of the AFL. As all I can see is greed and self interest.
  2. OMG Is he an Essendon Supporter/Sympathiser? Trust nothing about Essendon and the drones who player/supporter that EVIL Club.
  3. I don't think I will let the game get in the way of my gaming this week end.
  4. I think Tanya, sorry I mean Lance is on the phone to James.
  5. I think you will not miss anything this or even next September. Enjoy your trip.
  6. Oh dear the MFC lost to the lowly Saints. Words fail me. On a brighter note it is one week closer to the start of the 2016 season.
  7. Surely this is the drop that we all drink after the MFC next Grand Final win?
  8. There NO WAY Red would go to such a lowly place as the BIG APPLE. As he clearly is a BIG BANANA man.
  9. This guy is clearly Essendon FC President material.
  10. You have more then one wife OD? So you hae to give them all numbers.
  11. Man Flu can be deadly. I tell my wife this fact all the time.
  12. I prefer to change the AFL rules to state the Melbourne Football Club will be give a 100 goal head start each AFL game including the Grand Final. Wait this is not fantacy land were all you dreams and aspirations come true? What DH wrote this crap? Say NO to drugs in sport!
  13. What can I say OD? The MFC team still sucks. To me it all about results which we see do little of these days. But the MFC has moved from be the worst team in the league to the second or third worst. That is an improvement! Plus we could have all been Carlton Supporters, those guys will be having some long term pain. So things are not all bad.
  14. When it comes to an Essendon Supporter spreading their Clubs BS it does matter. It does not get any lower in sport than having a club sponsored illegal substance program.
  15. After reading some of LU posts in the Big Footy Forum and noted a number of comments made about him/her, its my view the poster is a TROLL! However I maybe bias in this area as I now have a complete dislike for the Essendon FC and all who sail on it due to my hatred of Club sponsored illegal substance programs. LU and his/her mates can spin their BS all they like. However IMO the Club is as guilty as sin and should be expelled from the AFL. This action would put all other AFL Clubs on notice that the use of illegal substances to get an competitive advantage is not acceptable and will be appropriately punished.
  16. Now BB you will upset Tanya Hird Lance Uppercut with comments like that. Keep up the good work.
  17. OD you have gone to the Dark Side (Apple) come back to the light (Android).
  18. Don't speak too soon DC, I would love to see them removed from the AFL forever. I can not stand drug cheats and all those who protect them.
  19. True, I was there about 8 years ago. Loved the place and its people. It is sad to see what is currently happening to the place.
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