Did you hear the comments about paying the reporter that was saying something positive about his team?
Do we still have cash for comments in the Australian media?
The Essendon FC pockets are very deep indeed.
Mr Hird has claimed the illegal substances claims are all a media propaganda campaign against the Essendon FC.
Can he explain why the media would run such a campaig against the Essendon FC.
Can you tell us what substances were given to the 2011/2012 Essendon FC players?
Can he explain why Mr Danks had previously made statements that he injected illegal substances in to his players?
Can he explain why his Captain confessed to using illegal substances in the year he won a Brownlow Medal?
As I am still guttered by the loss to the Sainters, I was not going to watch the Geelong game.
Dam you Demonlanders as I now have to watch the game so I can also mock a guy called Dwanye the Pain!
As Melbourne FC haters should all be mocked and humiliated. Its our civic duty.
It appears to me there is a lot not right with the AFL and the potential use of illegal drugs.
There needs to be a royal commission into this whole issue so we can get rid of the drug pushers and their supporters for good.
When the MFC can win two or more games in a row and not lose to a team like saint Kilda, then the MFC may be back.
But until then as one game means very little, however it is a pleasing start.