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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Mr Hird has claimed the illegal substances claims are all a media propaganda campaign against the Essendon FC. Can he explain why the media would run such a campaig against the Essendon FC. Can you tell us what substances were given to the 2011/2012 Essendon FC players? Can he explain why Mr Danks had previously made statements that he injected illegal substances in to his players? Can he explain why his Captain confessed to using illegal substances in the year he won a Brownlow Medal?
  2. So you are saying that you are not from Essendon then?
  3. Do you want me to send you videos of the MFC past 8 years of games so you can contain your excitement ?
  4. As I am still guttered by the loss to the Sainters, I was not going to watch the Geelong game. Dam you Demonlanders as I now have to watch the game so I can also mock a guy called Dwanye the Pain! As Melbourne FC haters should all be mocked and humiliated. Its our civic duty.
  5. It appears to me there is a lot not right with the AFL and the potential use of illegal drugs. There needs to be a royal commission into this whole issue so we can get rid of the drug pushers and their supporters for good.
  6. When the MFC can win two or more games in a row and not lose to a team like saint Kilda, then the MFC may be back. But until then as one game means very little, however it is a pleasing start.
  7. Heavy day of on-line gaming, is there a game on?
  8. and yet the AFL lets drug cheats go free! The world is a crazy place.
  9. Is someone getting worried? Is that the best these flogs can do?
  10. So mathematical the MFC still has a chance of making the finals. But for the life of me I can not remember which year it will be. Although 2064 is looking good.
  11. I personally would not be sad to see Godwin go as I have an issue with any recruitment from the Essendon FC.
  12. YUM Did someone say Bananas? I left my supply at home by mistake this week. Cry cry cry cry cry.
  13. Not the 2016 season I hope? As I have big expections for 2016. I know 6 wins in one season is a big ask of the players. But I have faith they can do it! By 2020, they may even win two games in a row, so I don't want to put too much pressure on them. As they are a little sensitive.
  14. Welcome back from Bali! Did you have a relaxing holiday?
  15. I think he politely telling DC to be quiet
  16. Have you spoken to Biff? He should have a few contacts for some very cheap workers for you.
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