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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Depends where the game will be played.If its in the West, I should be there, provided I am still alive and mobile enough to enjoy the game. At best I only have another 40 years of life left in me. OMG I am turning in to OD!
  2. Thanks big fella. I have be struggling with my support of the AFL of late due to my hatred of drugs in sport. I will be watching the WADA appeal with great interest.
  3. I do need so more socks, thanks for asking. But I was interested in here where these 10 wins will come from?
  4. Sad thing is I was there at our last finals game back in 2006.
  5. OD you should not talk about such things at this time of the season because our team remains undefeated and we still have hope.
  6. I hope all is well in Demonland? Does anyone know how well Melbourne went in the finals? I did hear that BBO had a 1 month Demonland holiday because of his inappropriate love letters to Stuie. Also there was a rumour going around that MessyDrugs was going to employ a Chemist as its senior coach. If this rumour is true, Biff will be back in business.
  7. Looks like I may not be renewing my membership in 2016 then.
  8. And I thought BBO still used courier pigeons to send his mail. Well done lad you have entered the 19th century.
  9. Are they playing a real game of football in England these days?
  10. But a Club sponsored illegal substancea program is OK? Do you have to be a complete [censored] to work for the AFL?
  11. It what I would expect our players to do to put the drug cheats off their game.
  12. If only he mentioned Android v OS and I would have been excited
  13. There too many i's when it comes to the Hirdians. I still prefer the y for why are you still here?
  14. Tanya you know some people always want the last say.
  15. Did you hear the comments about paying the reporter that was saying something positive about his team? Do we still have cash for comments in the Australian media? The Essendon FC pockets are very deep indeed.
  16. I see you problem Red, You have Foxtel, which is owned by Helstra.
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