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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. He appeard to be determined to keep the truth coming out. I wonder why that was?
  2. I have a wide collection of colourful Hawaiian Shirts myself, but I don't live in Perth. Hawaiian shirt are suitable for all occasions and locations.
  3. Point 1 - I would agree but has Garry, Billy, Nicky or Melissa confirmed this to be true? Point 2 - Only because of Billy's attitude. Point 3 - Disagree, because the cutting himself off is a controlling action. Do what I want or else I will do this action, appears very controlling to me. Point 4 - I have no knowledge about this statement being true or not. Are you able to provide any additional evidence to support this comment or is a personal opinion? I never claimed everyone would be happy about the relationship. But all I am aware of is that two mature consenting single people want to have a relationship.
  4. You your the one commenting on an alleged 4 years affair. I could not leave your comments unanswered. The only people who should care about this relationship is Garry and Nicky.
  5. The media has such high standards that the four year old affair must be true! Brownless needs to stop trying to control his ex wife's life by dictating who she can or can't not see. She is now single and can see anyone she wants to. The classic statement from Billy was he was not aware of his marriage issue until his wife left him. From this statement alone it is easy to work out who was number one in his life.
  6. These guys look really fit and would be perfect cultural fit for the Drug Lords as top up players. So no need for the Swiss Trip.
  7. Our BBO loves his comforts as well as standing out from the crowd.
  8. I always thought he was a club champion. As such, he should deserve a certain level of our respect. No hatred here. Although I was supporting another AFL team during his playing days. Did however have the same question about why some of our fellow DL posters appear to hate Neitz.
  9. If she signs up for life membership of the Melbourne Demons I think I could part with one of my frozen Bananas.
  10. Just in case the worst happens to the banana crops in our cane toad country, I have just placed a backup supply in my freezer. Do you think supplies would resume in two weeks?
  11. I thought that I had read somewhere a statement from the golden haired one that the injection program was entirely voluntary? If my memory is correct then the players had a choice if they wanted to participate in the program. This fact also makes it interesting to know why they had lied about not having injections to ASADA.
  12. Surely it would be appropriate for our old coach Mark Neeld to be their coaches?
  13. So do they now admit or not deny to being drug cheats? Their great hope now is to simply avoid any penalties by a legal technicality?
  14. I thought he was a dogs man due to being on their players list. Although he does love the mighty blue and red, West Perth Falcons as he was a player and senior coach.
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