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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I did not break my TV so no anger managment issue here. I never had the expection the MFC would win or even get close on the scoreboard. But thought this topic was more about someone disappointment at the MFC performance and did not actually think they smashed their TV as surely that would of happened during the 148 point loss to Essendon. Althought if West Perth played the same way as the MFC currently does I don't know what I would do!
  2. Better then losing more! But games one is a good indicator of improvement, especially since the MFC only won 4 games last year.
  3. Or maybe get a new missus, one who is more understand and can better feel your pain! Wait I am wrong as that is the more expensive option its cheaper to buy the plastic and new TV.
  4. Deep down I am still a believer so what I am looking for is a WIN! But me head is telling me another loss is more likely. What good can be taken out of the game is more consistant team work, and a better forward structure.
  5. It hard for me to see any good from MN, but i just watch another 90 plus loss and still feeling the pain. What do you think is the good he done? I really love to know.
  6. Is it time to book my flight now or do I have to wait one ot two weeks more for a new coach?
  7. If not a new coach what about FREE BEER for all members who attend the game or Watch the game on TV. More beer = Less Pain!
  8. I love your passion and you must have kept the faith. Pity I lost mine after the Suns game. But TV are cheap these days so you have a good reason to get a bigger newer one. Tell the wife the end of financial year sales are now on and you were simple wanted to make room for the new 80".
  9. What can anyone say! Liked the look of some of the backs, think they beat their opponents (bad luck Buddy).
  10. It because I actually care!
  11. And so the buck passing continues... My questions to the MFC President, Board and Supporters are: Who built the current MFC list? Who recruited so many inexperinced and untried players? Who recruited key experinced players who appears to send alot of time on the injury list? Why would anyone want to introduce the chance of continuing anther 2 to 5 years of sub standard on field performances (Failure)? Why have a game plan the the player are not obviously suiited for? How many massive losses must the MFC suffer before much needed change is implimented (10, 100, 1000)? What are the KPI for the coach, current or future? Find the person or persons responsible for the above issue and the MFC can be in a position to achieve success again. I have my thought as to the group mainly responsible and his first letter starts with M. Unfortunately the MFC would have more chance of winning the 2013 premiership then anyone admitting they got it wrong!
  12. Please don't get my hopes up. The hear there a good chance for both a new President and Coach, I must be dreaming! Well I may as well go for broke here, anyone see a Premiership victory within the next 20 years after looking in their crystal ball? At this stage I would simple settle for over 11 wines in the home and away rounds as I do support the MFC after all, it seems any of its other supporters appears to have settled for coming second each week these days. Personally I believe winner takes all and being second to none is the best way forward. Simple goals (KPI) is best for any new coach ect. as after MN in the coaching role it appears that keeping thing simple is the best policy.
  13. It the MFC trust no one until they prove their worth! Its results that counts.
  14. Thanks for the info. Being from the West I did not know any of that.
  15. May be he can be our next coach. If it was not for his experince at being a senior coach our board would have loved him to be here.
  16. The MFC was set to fail the moment Mark Neeld was appointed coach. His coaching style and game plan did not suit the players that MFC had. So he set out to make major changes which involved making the football team inexperienced and uncompetive (below basic AFL standards). Some may wish to disput this statement but all I will say, look at the scoreboar! The MFC will be lucky to win two games this year, but even if I am wrong and it wins four, so what, as that only means its won the same amount of games as last year (no improvement what so ever). I would agree that the supporters should stay united, so lets get a new Coach, President, Board and Recruiting Department that most of the MFC supporters can respect. I had kept quiet with my dissatifaction of the MFC on field performance for sometime but the 10 goal loss to the Suns was the final straw. Surely enough is enough, this train wreck must stop. New leadership is needs so the MFC supporters can stop fight each other and focus on the enjoyment of the MFC actually beating other clubs. It now going to take 10 to 20 years for the MFC to be in a position to win a premiership, however if MN remains as coach for another year or two my estimate increases tos another 50 years (yes he's that toxic) I do hope the rumour that he gone in two weeks is true and make no apologies for my views as I will be supporting the MFC long after MN is gone from this Club.
  17. Mark Neeld has recently said the following: "We've all got a really clear understanding of where we're at and where we want to get to and how we're going to get there," said Neeld. "We're really disappointed that we're a little behind where we thought we would be at this stage. "But we always knew it was going to be difficult. "My contract is for three years - I'm not halfway through it and the players are aware of that. A little behind where the MFC should be, really! Was the plan to average a 70 point losing score each week instead of 75 points? Is it possible to bench the coach for stupidity? Statements made by Mark Neeld: If he a man of his word the MFC will only pick 3 or 4 players this week or was that simple more of his spin? MARK Neeld has declared Melbourne players will be elite as David King labelled his appointment as coach a "massive error". The former North Melbourne premiership player said he was worried for the Demons’ future as a club after its horrendous start to the season. King attacked Neeld’s game style and feared his man-management skills could lead to a player walkout at season’s end. The respected football commentator said the controversial decision to appoint two new young captains, in particular, was a “debacle”. The club has been forced to defend its rookie coach in recent days, but King said it was clear the Demons had appointed the wrong man. “Everyone is dancing around the issues - the whole football world - but I think someone just has to come out and say Melbourne has made a massive error as a club, appointing Mark Neeld as a senior coach,”. David do you want to be on the MFC selection panel at the end of the season for a new coach?
  18. Forgiven! No Way! One win means nothing. There will need to be a complete turn around in consistent performances for that to happen. But would agree that is would be a start in the right direction.
  19. That great news so we should have Casey playing for the MFC and our players playing in the VFL. Makes sense to me, when can we have the change?
  20. A question I had for ages does anyone know why the MFC move away from Sandringham to Casey as its VFL team?
  21. As a Western Demon I do get alot of sympathy from people once they know which team I support. I don't want sympathy I WANT FEAR! I want the MFC to give out 100+ defeats to other clubs! I also want a few other thing but you will need to read my other posts for that.
  22. That you right but what makes you believe in what he is doing? I am really interested to know.
  23. Then it would be better for the deadwood to leave before they are sacked to maintain unity. It appears to be a number of the ways for the MFC to go from here: Death by 1,000 lashes (Slow and Painful Death) Do NOTHING approach Let the Coupe Begin (Quick and merciless) Get rid of the Deadwood Hell has no furry like a disapointed Supporter! Personally I seen enough and want change in Leadership both on and off the ground.
  24. if we keep Mark for 2014 as coach then you will see a even more disorganised confused unconfident group of players! As I sure he will start rebuild number 3. My bet for 2014 if he still coach is the MFC will recuit 16 new inexperince player.
  25. Does the MFC actual coach its players! I thought it was developing a new system where its players just rock up to the ground on game day and do their own thing, but only if they wanted to. It appears under this system the MFC must require its players to not worry about the scoreboard and the use of inexperienced players with out any mentors or any proper guidance or leadership is a must. But for this new method to work properly there must be multiple so called coaching staff, not that their needed to do any work other then ensuring NO ONE can be hold accountable for anything. The more of them the better and I think this particular function is officially called PASSING THE BUCK! Personally what interest me the most about the MFC these days is not the game itself but the after game press conferences the man of the hour "Mark". What he requires at these press conferences is an escort (one of the players to hold his hand), to always look totally disinterested, make statements like "We all know ...", "We talked about ...", "Its not about me but the players ...". "We have many inexperience players ...", "But we trained well in the off season and we play well in the pre season ...". The key here is for him to always say WE and never ME as he would loss points for talking any responsibly. It so important here not to say anything the media or MFC Supporters actually want to hear, this is the important part of the press conference. With all this happening why would anyone not want to watch a MFC game or after game press conference, as its better then any soap opera I have ever seen!
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