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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. If only the MFC players had half as much passion on field as some of the guys in this topic when the MFC would be unstoppable!
  2. 2 people voted for MFC to actually win! Love the passion but just want 1/2 a kilo of what you are both on. As I would make a fortune!
  3. Its all making sense to me now. He comes from Collingwood to the MFC and now we worse then awful. It pay back for our 1964 Grand Final win! Dam those Collingwood fanatics have a long memory and are very unforgiving.
  4. If that to Western Australia he has my vote! But seriously Melbourne belongs in Melbourne!
  5. There does need to be unity, I absolutely agree and have supported the MFC five years ago when its started a major rebuild. I even joined the Club as a member last year to show my support even though I was very disappointed with the lack of on field success. I sat back watching events unfold over the years until the 10 goal loss to the Suns, then I had enough of staying quiet and saying nothing. How does the MFC take five yeas, have access to professional staff and other resources and spend 10's of millions of dollars to be in the position it finds itself today, a train wreck. It is clear to me that the MFC needs changes to a number of its senior position, not just with the head coach. I agree with the Ox and support his actions. I would vote for him as President of the MFC tomorrow if I could. I heard the argument that we need to wait and be patient. Well all I can say in response that that approach is "been there done that". What this approach has achieved so far is a team that is getting thumped each week, ineffectual board and coaches who live in Lar Lar Land. I personally don't like talking about individual players and their on field performance and leave that to others to comment about. I am looking to give my support to any group that wants to see proactive change within the MFC. That is where my unity will be going if thing don't change for the better.
  6. Why would we want someone from Hawthorne to lead us? Next thing I will be reading is that Eddie want in as well (would not blame him as he is in Collingwood after all) Ox is the man for the job, he's already got my vote.
  7. I am sorry I have gone too far! As no one should be a Collingwood supporter, they are CRAZY people,
  8. Sorry had to go to the Urban Dictionary for the meaning of HTFU. You have simple proved me first belief of your comments. To use such language only belittles your comments in my view. Not really sure the MFC is for you have you ever thought of becoming a Collingwood supporter? I think you will fit right in there!
  9. You lost me when you felt the need to use such colourful language. You can always tell when someone is losing a discussion when they revert to such tactics. Ox for President. he has my vote!
  10. Can we wipe away the 148 point loss to Essendon as they were on Drugs when they beat the MFC, That will greatly reduce our losing margin.
  11. The MFC's current game plan is based on inexperienced players who are not at AFL standard. Aaron clearly does not meet this criteria and so he go!
  12. I am sorry to say I had the same feeling over the past few weeks, that is to get beaten by enough for changes to be made to the coaching position. Unfortunately I believe a number of supporters have the same feeling. However the way you may want to put some good spin on the MFC's 2013 season, the simple truth is its a major train wreck. I respect the Ox more for making his public statements and encourage him to keep going. When can I cast my vote to elect him President! When the Train is about to have a major accident due to missing track further up the line, you would wont someone to pull the emergency stopping cable. However I do agree in normal circumstance public statements of this nature should be avoided but this is extreme times which requires a major change in most positions at the MFC leadership groups, both on and off the field. The comments I heard that Peter Jackson can not tell if MN is a good coach or not due to the mess of the coaching section. That comment should scares all MFC supporters more then anything the Ox may say publicly!
  13. I have recently heard somewhere that Peter Jackson was quoted as saying the MFC football department is in such a state that he could not tell if MN can coach or not. If this statement is true then that scares me more then the fact MN is the coach.
  14. Really sorry to hear you have lost interest in the MFC. Things always turn around and when that does happen it will be exciting to be around the MFC. Don't let the current coach get you down, he does have a family to support and he not particularly a MFC person other than he was employed by us. Hes a professional coach and as our President just said the MFC is a business.
  15. I am not happy that we would lose by 10 goals but in terms of this season it would be an improvement. Personally I would love to see Collingwood smashed by 100 points by the boys but the chances of that happening is the same as the MFC being Premiers in 2013.
  16. I don't disagree with your statement. My comments were based on the fact that the MFC has lost its last two games by 15 goals or greater and has an averaging losses of over 12 goals a game. As much as it does sadden me to say the fact is to be beaten by Collingwood by only 10 goals would actually be an improvement. I been annoyed as many other MFC supporters with the first 10 games of the season and was hoping to see some action/leadership from the Board. But that was not to be or at least at this stage. The made up of the MFC Board appears to be focused on business people, which was really good for the debt reduction program. But to achieve greater on field success they been a failure. I can either get more upset with the way the MFC has done over the past 5 years or start to see the funnier side of the current situation.
  17. What this about only being in the 8, I want to see the MFC win another 12 Premierships within the next 20 years (need to leave something for the other Clubs supporters). But will settle with the being in the 8 next year, NO PRESSURE! Nothing wrong with being passionate as it really great to see. Keep it up Mate!
  18. Oh well lets see what happens against Collingwood now the entire Footy Department has been put on notice by the Board? I not been a fan of MN as you all can tell from my posts, but here a chance for the team to show us all something (I so hate losing to Collingwood) and if they get with 10 goals I will be alittle happier! But honestly it all about 2014 and beyond for me at this point.
  19. Does the MFC have the money to pay its players more? Not sure either a priority picks will do much good as it has not work in the MFC favour so far. Paying player more can also have it dangerous as not many of the current players are earning their salary now and the Club is obligated to pay most of the salary cap to its players. Better to fix the internal issue at the MFC first so to improve the selection and recruitment processes. Thus allowing a prority pick or increase in salary cap to work much more effectively.
  20. I think you guys are talking about Dumb and Dumber! Good rid to both of them.
  21. With out Frawley we are in trouble!!!!
  22. If it was not today it will be sometime in the future, he an awful coach and the MFC can do so much better,
  23. Think you mean 2014. Oh well I will prepare for total annihilation for the rest of the season (think that 14 more games). I can see this year is be one of breaking all records and not in a good way. Although I have heard Casey can actually play the MFC game plan, Are we allowed to recruit them for the rest of the season?
  24. Another sign of weak leadership at the MFC. Oh well I know what I will be doing with my vote later on this year.
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