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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Censorship ! You know your argument is week if you have to call for the Admin's
  2. True I am not. The guys lost any respect I may have had for him when he attacked the PA sponsor right after their GF win. He too immature to be a Senior Coach.
  3. Best course of action for the MFC is to ask their current recruiting staff what they would do and then do the opposite.
  4. If you have experience and your name is not Mark, you have my support.
  5. I think you are holding back, tells us what you really think!
  6. "Don't worry, I do have a plan for my coaching future!" http://images.theage.com.au/2011/09/16/2630334/neeld-narrow-200x0.jpgZZZ
  7. Mark Neeld is a comedy show that must go on! The best day time soap opera I ever seen.
  8. Whats so wrong with Mark as the coach? He has a five year plan to turn thing around, so the sooner he gets a two year contract extension the better for his plan to work. But there must be more pain, so don't worry if the MFC is last on the ladder next year or this one, as it will be character building or so I been told. His new game plan is revolutionary, so its easy to explain why no one else really understands it. What I can determine so far about the plan is that the MFC needs to gets smashed in the first half of the game to allow the opponents time to lower their guard thus allowing the MFC time in the second have to win the game. Pity the team does not have the fitness, mental hardness or players to achieve the plan. It is great to hear that the footy department is in such a state no one is accountable for anything which is perfect for this game plan. But what is need is another level of bureaucracy so there no chance of anyone being at fault if the teams performance continues to decline. But to be sure that MFC members and supporters don't get too upset with the on field results, the implementation of useless and meaningless statistic is essential. Whatever happens never actual refer to the final scores as it is not that helpful to the game plan and recruiting policy of the Club. The final score is not important anyway as its all about the word DEVELOPMENT. Its extremely important that no one says I when it comes to the on field performance unless there is an unexpected win, what ever happens always say we when talking about loses, constantly quote meaningless stats when ever possible and tell everyone how few games the team have played. If a player gets to play too many AFL games get rid of them. It may appear that the MFC made the wrong decision to recruit Mark as his game plan was never going to work with the players the Club had at the time. But with a rapid culling of the players list this shortfall can be over come within the next 5 to 10 years. Mark has so much more to achieve at the Club and this season will continue to break many previous held records, surely the 186 losing score will be one of them, Finally its only those supporters without true faith in the direct the previous CEO, President, Board and Coach is taking the MFC, that believe the Club is in trouble as its is actually where they planned it to be. If only these people could show more faith and forget about whats actually happening during the actual games, the MFC will be great again.
  9. The MFC has gotten many good players from all over Australia over the years. But the MFC should be playing its home games at the MCG. No point losing 25,000 members in Victoria to gain 20,000 in Tasmania.
  10. Do they have any blue and red teams in this comp?
  11. Because the MFC should focus on the development of the game for both male and females this is a fantastic move. The MFC has many paid employees (coaches) that are looking after the MFC main team and would not get that involved in this initiative, so there should be not issue there. This is a great way for the MFC to become a truely family focused Club and be as awesome as it should be. Go the DEES!
  12. I believe the President should live and breathe the MFC. The person should NEVER bend over to the AFL like the current one did after the $500,000 fine for employees wanting to Tank. That was embarrassing to want and set the tone for this season's on field performance. Having been the President for Hawthorne FC and clearly loving that team, why would he even suggest taking on the same role in the MFC. He may have many good qualities or not depending on your political beliefs, but to me he is missing at least one essential item. His heart does not beat true for the red and the blue. Many will have their opinions as to the next best person who should become the President but to me I want a MFC person to lead us to glory, one that can unity the members and supporters of this once great Club. There would be many wonderful choices from within the MFC to pick from, so why look elsewhere.
  13. Nothing is better to watch the Aaron Davey with ball in hand running to goal! If the MFC could only clone him it would be an Awesome team.
  14. I love this one, well done by the young guy. Made me laugh alot
  15. There no money in Tasmania, trust me. Lovely place but you would not want to play footy there.
  16. Does this mean you would vote for him as President then?
  17. Well great to hear your story so I will tell you why I am a MFC Supporter/Member. I been an MFC supporter since 1999 after changing teams from the WCE. I am generally a very loyal supporter of any team I support but no longer support the WCE after the introduction of the 'Host Club' scheme in the WAFL (that where the Eagles and Dockers had arrangements with a specific WAFL team and placed all their players in that one team). I was ever a truely passionate WCE supporter as they simply had the wrong colours and theme song. I was born with one eye red and the other blue which is to say a West Perth football club supporter. For those of you who do not know the WAFL, West Perth also has red and blue as its team colours as well as the same club theme song as the MFC and is the oldest club in the WAFL (was an easy choice to become a MFC supporter). I still remember the WCE reserve team (East Perth) smashing my beloved West Perth in the 2002 WAFL Grand Final. I will never forgive or forget that day, from memory I think East Perth won four Premierships in a row under the host club arrangements. My passion for the MFC has grown each years I have been a supporter. I have tremendous respect for all the long term MFC supporters who have not have Grand final success in 1964 but have remained loyal to the Club regardless. But every team has their day and how magical will it be when the MFC wins it's 13 Grand Final, it will be worth the wait. Also I have much more respect for any good football player who plays for a team that is not successful. Too oftain the media give too much regard to players who have won Grand Finals. But the simple fact is, if good players only wanted to play for successful teams then the same Clubs would always win. I too will remain a supporter of the MFC regardless of the actions of the CEO, President, Board, Coaching Staff or Players. So let the boys smash Collingwood on Monday!
  18. Sorry to say the MFC has as much chance of winning on Monday as it has of winning the 2013 Grand Final. But we can dream.
  19. LOL In round 10 he only been able to play 3 senior games for the MFC. He has taken a few good marks but was recruited as a forward so should be able to kick more than one or two majors each week even with limited opportunities. He may or may not be a good speaker but surely we are not looking for a Captain of a debating team. There alot of talk going on at the MFC at the moment but talk is cheap, the Club needs action. The MFC needs it players on the field performing each week. The fact he from Collingwood is a worry as the MFC has had some bad experience from ex Collingwood coaches of late. So why would the MFC want Cloke, surely we could do better then that. Give Chris another season or two at the MFC before there is talk about him being Captain.
  20. Does Don need help with packing up his office?
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