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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I would have agreed with you 5 years ago that the score board was not important. But you can only now worry about the final score for so long. Its time for the MFC to start winning matches or at least to come close.
  2. I hear that its MN fault for the GFC as well. He does get around causing some mischief our little MN. Oh who said I am religious? The only thing I worship is the blue and the red.
  3. GL has had two goes so it must be The Ox turn. Its only fair to share the duties.
  4. Ben-Hur my vote is for you to coach the MFC for the rest of the season.
  5. One down and you all know who will be next!
  6. Finally some action from the board. One down and hopefully a few more to follow. The MFC he been run, lead, operated, coached (what ever you would call it) in an appalling manner. I for one want the rebuilding of the MFC to start immediately without the Deadwood in charge made stupid decisions. Melbourne FC First & Forever!
  7. Not sure hes up to the MFC standard. Too over qualified for MFC as well like to mold new talent, so what your second choice?
  8. We can not blame the Coach as we actually don't have one!
  9. NEWS ALERT The MFC will be drafting Gumby for its Mid Field.
  10. Its time for a little MFC bonding time! Lets all put on the 1964 VFL Grand Final. So at the end we all can sing "Its a grand old flag ..."
  11. I think The Ox should be on the next selection panel.
  12. Yes the Bye has a better mid field than the MFC. Also it will end uo higher on the ladder then the MFC (Its never lost a game yet)
  13. Sorry but this thread is out of touch with the MFC values. NEVER take action when you can simple go with the flow.
  14. I had always thought that the idea of Jeff K being President of the MFC was a joke. As only someone who is truely Red and Blue should have this important position. Personally I would rather have my dog, Osman as the President of the MFC before Jeff K.
  15. Give him a real coach and see what happens
  16. When is he going to stand down or is there a need for a spill?
  17. We did recruit him from Collingwood. The MFC should have seen this train wreck coming,
  18. Does the MFC actual have a coach? I thought the players just did their own thing.
  19. Many say he is and some say he is not, the worst coach ever and we all been told by the MFC CEO that he is unable to tell if he canactually coach. There is a simple way to tell if a coach is doing his job well. Just look at the scored board at the end of each game! It not that hard to do.
  20. You have my vote to be on the selection panel for a new coach. As you are straight to the point and clearly don't like BS.
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