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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I know it was not all MN fault that the MFC is in the trouble it is in. But I still feel that a public flogging at the next AGM is still deserved. Mr Hogans_Heroes can you use a cat of nine tails? Oh well I just have to be satified that he been so publicly sacked. Does the MFC not have lawyers who can draft contracts to protect the financial interests of its members. There must be a way not to pay MN $600K as he has been the worst Senior Coach in the history of the Club, if not the league. Bye Mark and thanks for all the memories as the Senior Coach. It will take years of intense therapy before I can truly recover. That finally said I will give my support to Craige as the new temporary Senior Coach of the MFC. As my Rant is finally over so now on to that 13th Premiership!
  2. I thought I told them both to just WIN!
  3. The Ox is a GOD! All hail the Ox.
  4. This only upsets me more. I was orherwise having a great day.
  5. Personally I am very happy that Mark Neeld is no longer the senior coach of the MFC. As far as I can tell, he was a very poor coach and his term as the senior coach for the MFC will be remebered as a disaster. Let the true recovery begin.
  6. Pity Romans did not have flddles so its was not possible for Nero to play one. But never let the facts get in the way of a good story. The job of fixing the MFC is not over with Don's resignation so there nothing to celebrate at this time. However when the Club is in a position to be competative at AFL level then the recovery has really started.. People are justified to get upset with those who hold positions of authority/influence and have not been capable of performing their duties to the standard that had been expected. However there is a time to move on from where the Club is now, But noone should forget what has been done to this once great Club as this will only lead to a repeat of this terrible tragedy.
  7. Should we even bother to answer this one! But I am starting to understand the real problems facing the MFC. Too many people are clearly on mind effecting drugs! As they are clearly making up their own reality.
  8. Agreed I waited until the Suns game this year to call for his removal. As I wanted to give him some time to show what he can do, But now I had enough, the guys is an awful coach. He came to the MFC thinking he was hot stuff as he came from a more successful Club. But the reality is he needed to prove himself as a coach before annoying most of the then Senor Players. Some may say he needs to be given more time or at least to the end of his contract (end of next year), but what can be achieved in 18 months when currently the team is averaging about 13 goals losing scores a game. Even if this margin is reduced to 5 or 6 goals is that enough improvement? In my opinion he has lost the support of the majority of members and supporters and needs to go now. If the team can not afford to sack him then do a restructure and take him away from the actual coaching position and give him something he would be more suited to i.e. Cleaning the change rooms after each games.
  9. At least we can maintain our sense of humour Well Done Guys!
  10. Good News I have heard that the MFC has sacrificed a few collingwood supporters to the GOD Odin this week end so things should improve from now on.
  11. Let the MFC only have one Captain next year as two or more Captains is a joke and disrespectful. Agree that Grimes should stay Captain and appoint as many V/Captains as needed.
  12. Its great we can agree on somethings but I can not stop thinking at another year with MN will achieve nothing good for the MFC. But lets say for the point of the discussion things do improve for him in 2014 there little chance of him getting a new contract to go beyond that time as he is damged goods. I don't believe he will be a Senior Coach for another AFL team.
  13. Passion is great guys but as the Admin's have said play the issues and not the man.
  14. There is so much i could say about this but what the point. True believers never change their mind and so much has been said already. All I will say is there no point having the best coach in the league if the majority of the Supporters don't support him, but that for another thread. I just hope that the MFC recruit players in 2014 and beyond who respect and actually want to play for the Club. Better to have less skilled players who put in 100% effort each week, Now thats a team worth watching!
  15. LOL B) You are both right and wrong. Thor was the god of war, thunder and strength. http://thenorsegods.com/thor/
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