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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. If his hart not in coaching the MFC should not get Roos Not a fan of Williams think I rather have Mark Neeld back, only joking. Neil Craig is clearly the best choice for a Senior Coach, he here and knows the players and does not talk BS.
  2. Steven Koops (West Perth/ Fremantle) was the player.His Uncle (Bill Dempsey) was an Champion of the West Perth Football Club. My statement here is what loser would test a player when he being rolled out of Surgery, so he should have got off as his health and well being is more important and he either took a ban drug knowingly or did it to improve his on field performance. The EFC did know the drug was right on the end of being legeal, although it turned out to be illegal and it was taken to impove their on field performance. The AFL had sent a strong message to all Clubs when it fined the MFC due to the actions of its employees, Danks was/is an employee of the EFC and there the Club is fully responsible for his actions. Player and Club Employees should receive an appropriate ban from football.
  3. Hope the TV is OK after last week ends close finish. Its certainly a roller coaster ride of emotions being a MFC supporter. Although I am positive about the Clubs future now.
  4. May I now say I fully support thr Senior Coach, CEO, Board (Whats left of it) the players and Demonland (now a Life Member). C,mon the Dees give them Hell! Just don't bring back Whiteboard Wednesdays as you will see a grown man cry.
  5. $500 on Neil Craig as Senior Coach in 2014.
  6. It surprises me how quiet the AFL are about this issue. They were only to quick to hound the MFC about tanking. I guess we found the untouchables of the AFL.
  7. So when is someone going to say the Dog are clearly Tanking? Hope they have a spare $500,000 to give to the AFL.
  8. It appears we like that company so much we wanted to invade their country
  9. Did you enjoy the win on the week end?
  10. I see the Druggies Football Club has won again on the week end. And who said crime does not pay?
  11. OMG the Board wanted to invade Russia! No wonder the Club is in the state it is in, all the Board Members must all be on some strong medication.
  12. One point or greater lead at full time and the opposition is not going to have a shot on goals after the siren. But we are Melbourne Supporters who want some excitment and or team does not like to dissapoint us. A win is a win but Saturdays game did not change our teams fundermental issues, NO MIDFIELD!
  13. No time to sit on the fence. Make your choice clear and without any doubt. As I think you a leaning towards chocolate but too afraid to say it.
  14. If only it was round 2! Life would be perfect. Or atlest until we all woke up from our drug induced slumper. Wait we are the MFC and not the EFC so it can't be a drug induced coma then. Oh well.
  15. LOL But the AFL has a draft not a zone recruitment system
  16. Yes but you failrd to answer the true question in this thread. Is Banana or Chocolate the best favour? LOL
  17. True. There are alot of good assistant coaches that would not make it at Senior Coaching level eg Mark Neeld. Could be Brian is not a good public speaker etc.
  18. If your daughter is any good at football it appears there is a need for 18 stand in players in the last quarter. As the Boys need to get ready their night out on the Town about 20 minutes before the end the game. It would be great if someone could stop the opposition scoring at that time. But hey, its Melbounre, and they will always do it differently. It was great to see the MFC becoming a real family Club.
  19. I tried to avoid down grading the banana taste if I can. The other day thought Mrs Frog made me drink a Banana/Chocolate liquor. It needed more Banana LOL
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