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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. OMG even our Admins have given up
  2. True Mark Neeld was not the only issue the MFC had but he was the wrong man at the wrong time. How can a person believe as a Senior Coach they would not need the support of the playing group and don't get me started on his so called game plan. It a fact the MFC went backwards under his ledership. Well MN has gone and so has the ex-CEO and ex-President which is great news for the future of the MFC, I am actually looking forward to the 2014 season.
  3. I think the AFL policy on this issue is to stick all their heads in the sand at the same time and hope it goes away. After all the AFL are not attacking a Club who will not fight back like the MFC, the EFC will likely challenge any AFL ruling on this matter. The real victims here are the AFL officials.
  4. Would we miss him and could always do with the cash to recruit someone else.
  5. Preimership in 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I must have just past the Essendon Club Room and breathed in too much of their air. Oh well at least noone will be my optimism. LOL
  6. True, but wht can we do other then what been done; Replacing Senor Coach, many Board members etc. Replaced President and CEO. A number of players will never play AFL football again. I just cant see what more the Club can do until its able to replace some of its underperforming players.
  7. Dam that Norm Smith, his curse will never leave the MFC.
  8. Does the MFC have another 20 players it can use? It seems the current main player group has few fundamental issues to over come before they will play reasonable football. May be the Club's not paying them enough?
  9. But the weather was bad and the opposition played too hard for us. You can't expect the MFC to win as it not in the players contract to play under such conditions.
  10. Stuff Tassie as they have no money, why not come to Western Australia so I can watch more live games. Wait! The Clubs called Melbourne, maybe they should play there instead! It my understanding that where most off the Clubs supporters live.
  11. It is obvious that the MFC needs to replace its players list. But not until the Club has people who knows what type of players to recruit.
  12. It would be the best comedy show in town if I was not a MFC member/supporter.
  13. Maybe tthe AFL can sponsor the MFC? Wait, I think they already are its major sponsor.
  14. Bring on the 2014 season as I hate the 2013 one. I said it before and I will say it again Mark Neeld was the worst coach ever!
  15. With the best colours and theme song in the league what else do we need for new members? LOL
  16. Oh well another loss but on the bright side one less game to play in 2013. The MFC will need time to improve its players list and with people who actually know what they are doing in charge, the future should be much brighter.
  17. Should anyone be surprised that the MFC team remains continues to loss games in 2013? IMO it a matter of playing out the rest of the season and start the player building at seasons end.
  18. What Ever it takes To get rid of Drug cheats
  19. Its all good WJ I do understand there can be a need to do that.
  20. Great new West Perth beat East Perth (arch enemy) by 5 goals and are sitting second on the ladder. I may be going to a Grand Final after all. (For those of you who don't know West Perth they are the oldest surviving WAFL team, with the team colours of Blue and Red, have the Grand Old Flag as their theme song and once was called the Victorian FC.)
  21. If you mean MFC as a crap club well its my understand it is now undergoing a major rebuild/restructure. Sure this years a write off but with the right people in the right jobs the on field results will improve greatly. So all I ask is please don't insult the Club I support and am a member of, as I always give back much more to those who try and I would rather do that to supporters of other Clubs. MFC First & Forever!
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