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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. The real question Nasher is when are you going to get an avatar? As an Primary Admin you should have one. LOL
  2. Oh my GOD that how they got away with it. Hidden their drugs in biscuits so noone would know.
  3. Denial of the truth is how Essessdon has gotten to where they are now. I say Ban all Bananas and make the AFL a better place. LOL
  4. I heard a runour that Redleg had been contacted to coach Essendon next season or was that Carrot Top? Anyway Whisper Jack is a certainty for the PM role in Canberra at the next election. Demonlanders will be taking over control of the UN shortly so the fubding/sponsorship problems at the MFC will be solved forever. Does anybody have Hird's number, I need to get his pharmacist phone number so I can get some of his special cream as the Drugs I just taken is wearing off! Oh my last tip is that Melbourne will win the 2014 Premiership!
  5. Proof on how unfair this system was is the three Grand Final wins in a row for East Perth who have not won one since the end of the host club arrangements at the end of the 2002 season. You can never overcome a grand final loss but I could not stop laugh when West Perth kept East Perth goaless for a whole game a few years ago. That unheard of in the modern game. If only the games was recorded I would have purchased their entire stock. If the follow the same arrangement as last time all interstat players will go to East Perth or South Fremantle depending on which AFL Club they are a member of. At one stage they took footballers out of their WAFL Club as well. They had Simon Duckworth playing for Claremont (East Perth replaces Claremont as the WCE host Club in year 2) and Justine Longmiur playing for South Fremantle. I am starting to get upset again just think of this insult. The WAFL salary Cap is fairly low so that a big boost to the two Clubs. The Host Clubs have access to all the coaching resources of their AFL Club they need. While the other Clubs have to fund player development themselves.
  6. Wayne Carey NO WAY!!!!!
  7. Is that where their Drug Den is?
  8. Why would anyone want to coach a Club with red and black colours when they can go for gold with a red an blue team.
  9. I want more then simply beating them. I want them to feel the PAIN every time they get SMASHED by Melbourne. Oh well I can alway dream this happens :) :)
  10. Hird the Essendon Super Hero called What Ever It Takes Man. Can withstand 100 needles in a single sitting Can appear to be leaving one minute and totally back in the EFC the next. No report will name him. He will never age
  11. Dam we did not find him a GF after all.
  12. The WCE and FFC are going to have a host WAFL Club again. The WCE will place their player in East Perth and FFC will do the same with South Fremantle. The last time the two AFL Clubs had a host WAFL Club (Same two Clubs) a host Club was in every Grand Final under the arrangement until it was cancelled. A host Club won all of the Grand Finals except the first one (1999) when West Perth won it as the under dogs as Souths only lost two qualifying games for the whole season. I still remeber watching the 2002 (last year) when West Perth got smashed by East Perth which gave them 3 Grand Final wins in a row. They would not have achieved that outcome if not for the advantages given to them by the host club arrangements. I am a MFC member/supporter today due to my disgust over the host club system. I been a West Perth Supporter since I was four or five years of age (40 plus years ago) and now because I know host club mark 2 is on the way I find it hard to get excited about the WAFL anymore. The two AFL Clubs have such power over here they can destroy the entire WAFL Comp overnight. This comp is as old as the West Perth FC as the club was a founding member and the oldest Club in the league (1885) and was orginally called the Victorians FC. Not sure at this stage was the host club arrangements will be because I am so annoyed about the reintroduction of a totally unfair system. I simply hate both the WCE (which I once supportered) and the FFC even more. Is it too much to ask for the MFC to smash these two Club every time it plays them?
  13. I wa going to joke about the MFC purple circle but in these dark and painful days I thought better of it. We are all in too much pain these days. Plus if the Mighty Falcons (WPFC) win the 2013 WAFL Flag I may be too drunk to travel. As the WAFL is dead from the 2014 due to the planned host club arrangement, only two team have a chance of winning. That being either the Fremantle or West Coast Eagles reserve teams. I so hate those two Clubs! Bring on the 2014 AFL season.
  14. Now that a chellenge for the boys, loss in November. I think we have the team for that one.
  15. Yes and No Yes poor kick can improve unless they play in the current MFC team.
  16. A new team! The current guys are simply awful.
  17. No wonder the MFC on field performance has been so crap for years, it not prepared to do what ever it takes like the EFC and so I hearing other Clubs. Clearly the AFL could take step against the EFC for bring the game to disrepute now. I get the feeling the Club will be let off with a $500,000 fine with a few officials getting some form of penalty. Sound familar? IMO let stay away from anyone associated with that Club as it has a very toxic environment and they don't have the same values the MFC. Winning is great but not at any cost. Personally I would rather see the MFC never win another Flag if it required it players to take banned drugs to win it.
  18. So those of us outside of Melbourne are not invited, pity. Otherwise a great idea.
  19. At lest the MFC would win something in 2013
  20. True but they may argue that he was not in control at the time of his confession due to all the banned drugs he was on. The AFL will surely accept this as Big D want to keep the cash rolling in and can hide in the USA for years if needed. IMO nothing real bad will happen to the untouchable football club after all they are prepared to do what ever it takes and the AFL is not.
  21. How about two cute puppies instead? They will take away the anger/pain. Trust me.
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