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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. That our aim but we are not there yet.
  2. I would be happy if the MFC actual won more then 14 games in a season.
  3. If you want to be under worked and overpaid come join the MFC.
  4. If Yes , forget Messendon we have a few places right here in the MFC.
  5. ROFLMAO Just Hear Glen (on the MFC web site) Say he loves the MFC colours and Theme song. I hjave not laugh so hard for the entire 2013 season. Glen played for and Captained the East Perth Football Club and its the West Perth Football Club who has Blue and Red colours and sing"Its a grand old flag". I am simple confused or Glen are you tell me you really whated to be a West Perth FC Champion insted of Blue and Black Royal (No idea what song those guys sing)?
  6. No guilty but here is a $600,000 as the boys in the AFL need a first class holiday after a very bussy year and every bit helps.
  7. Sry I can't hear what you are saying?
  8. There ia always a land slide win when the MFC playes! And the team has atleast come second in every game its played, second to all.
  9. Can we attack other tribes and take their money and mid fields?
  10. Does Messendon still have a hearing on Monday with the AFL Board?
  11. You are not saying Tanking are you?
  12. It all good here as I think its about to rain soon. So no fires here LOL
  13. My guess is Messendon for their special amd mysteries compounds, but I could be wrong.
  14. You kown it wrong to make a false advertising in a Thread title. Melbourne and a good Mid Field can not coexist.
  15. We arenot still talking about Tasmania? Please leave that to the Tigers as its their destiny to relocate there.
  16. Dam I was going to say "The M in Melbourne is for Mediocrity"
  17. Hird stated that ARCADA had given his players the All Clear, really?
  18. Under New Management
  19. Its time to go ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, From the current so called players group please keep young Viney otherwise I don't care who is culled, sacked, traded etc. I feel very little for this current playing group other then contempt, which for a member of the Club is not good.
  20. Under Construction
  21. I was joking at the start of the season we would win the grand final Think I spent too much time near Windy Pill. LOL
  22. Does anyone know when our new Senior Coach may be announced
  23. Fat and Slow but having a Go
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