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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I did not see him play as he played for Peel and I am a West Perth Supporter but I do live close to Peel home ground. If I remember correctly Peel finished last on the ladder in 2013, so I guess any reasonable player would stand out in that side. Mind you being a host club in 2014 they should play off in the Grand Final in 2014. There is a large difference between the WAFL Standard of play and that of the AFL. The MFC has had so many good VFL standard players over the past 7 years but lacked AFL standard ones. I like every MFC Support want Michie to be successful, but I want to see what he can do on the field first before I get excited. Next thing people will start talking about him being Captain LOL
  2. Agree with my comments or don't as is you right. But it appears from your comment that you are only ten years old so my the Disney Blog would be a better place for you.
  3. Biff, I have a number of my family mrembers either current or past members of this Church. One of them was in the boat with Mr Hubbard as he hide from the FBI. So whats your point?
  4. Correct me if I am wrong but he only played one AFL game? Sorry Roger but I am not excited. I know I am speaking for OD as well but we may get excited if he can regularly perform on field at AFL level. Actions speak louder then words.
  5. Romsey is a place where the Upper Classes live and the Gat is where the Social Outcasts are contained?
  6. A test for you BBO, what is the model and make of the PVR below?
  7. You are slipping BBO in your old age. She was just one of Biff's ladies from the Gat.
  8. I wsa going to recommend that point 10 be "Every Foxtel Employees first born child must be a MFC Supporter", but we have standards to maintain. The MFC is not like MesseyDrugs or the Filith!
  9. List of Demands 1, Restore Hard Drive back to orginal condition, 2, Sponsor the MFC for the next 20 years, 3. Make all Foxtel Channels frog friendly, 4. Free upgrade to all Foxtel Channels, 5. Give BBO a free PVR Player, 6. Ban Foxtel from the Gat, 7. Buy the EFC training Facility for the MFC, 8. Every new subscriber gets a free MFC membership, 9. The Chairman of Foxtel must spend a week camping with Moonie and Biff, 10. A free set of steak knives.
  10. I found Foxtels Head of Complains Red, but not sure he wants to help!
  11. Is it too soon to talk about upgrading your Foxtel account Red?
  12. You never got this from me WJ http://apcmag.com/how-to-rip-anything-copying-foxtel.htm
  13. OD have I got a deal for you! I can supply a AFL player who can play 300 games of AFL plus kick 55 goals a season. h How much would you,pay? But wait, there more! He can also a great public speaker! How much would you pay? But wait there more He would make a great Captain! ...
  14. Its Moonie, its how he rolls!
  15. Some people just can not hide their true identity for long More Proof
  16. I did not think the MFC had a team in the VFL/AFL back in the 80's or 90's or the 10's for that matter. Well thats what my shrink keeps telling me.
  17. I got a wooden spoon for Xmas (someone thinks I am a Expansion Supporter)
  18. Ouch Hard Drives can be recovered
  19. Can you recover them or is it too late? Oh I hate Helstra/Foxtel as well
  20. I have 5 toilets Biff, 3 here and 2 at the other house. A man needs space to think LOL
  21. Chrome OS was design for large displays, while Android OS was always intended for small screens. So you can web search, play music and run apps including Google Apps. The Chrome Books are cheap to buy as the OS is free and does not need a high spec hardware.
  22. LOL BBO I have three toilets here so at least I have a choice.
  23. Agree but I was including all versions of Windows. http://www.google.com.au/intl/en_au/chrome/devices/chromebooks.html
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