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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Sorry DL but I have no sympathy for Arnotts as they did the same thing to our local biscuit maker (Mills & Ware). Purchased the business and then closed it down. But we do need our Vegemite back LOL
  2. No wonder the Geelong FC won so my Premiership. Their supports gave their players such great incentives or did they!
  3. No there no way that true WJ. I am awaiting your official reply
  4. DemonFrog


    Then jump on board OD its going to the finals!
  5. Oh and I thought the could arm up the old Torana. The enemy would never know what hit them nor would we for that matter.
  6. Its my understanding that ppl from Romsey can not be trusted. Well that what Biff keeps tells me anyway.
  7. Jazza do you know what team does our PM follows in the AFL?
  8. DemonFrog


    But are you with me OD? Can you see it now after last nights AGM?
  9. Has he been banned again OD? It not like BBO to go quiet for so long.
  10. There a big left hook followed by a few little jabs. But wait, his opponent is now off the ropes and is swing hay maker after hay maker. This match is neck and neck! Who will be crowned King of the Thread at the end of this final round?
  11. Good things come to he who waits OD. I would have thought you understood that as a MFC supporter. As we are experts at waiting!
  12. In the left corner (as Rob would never been seen in that corner) is the challenger P-man and in the right corner is the famous Mr RobbieF. The crowd is expecting a big match today between these two heavy weights. One fighter is the master of fact and figures, while the other has achieved the highest skill level in denial and ignorance. Who will wear down the other to become this thread's champion?
  13. Pity the NAB cup is such a poor competition and no one can assess a time from how they perform in it.
  14. In my view it is about sustainable milk prices. That is that there is a local producer that is operating efficiently and at a cost effective price. IMO industries that want support from the local community have an obligation to also support that community. Too many times have I seen a particular industry slow little or no regard to the local community and chase the fast dollar in other areas to be forced back when thing turn sour in those new markets or it was only a short term wind fall. As a customer I have little sympathy for industries try and price gouge/forget their local communities. A recent example that I remember was when the local banana industry set it products over east due to a shortage of Bananas and the large short term profits on offer. Hence I actually no long look to buy local bananas. Government protection of industries is an emotive thing. IMO Government should not support unsustainable industries unless there is a greater benefit to the community. Where Government does support industries it should be for an equity interest so that some of the profits generated from such support can go back to the community and not just in shareholders pockets. The loss of the car industry does have a security issue. In time of war how are we to arm ourselves? We will have to rely on supply from overseas from shipping etc. Industries of manufacture are import not just for jobs and job generation. But that is another story.
  15. HT, The Hood and CBF I think you guys have worn down poor old Robbie and Ben Her with good old fashioned logic and reasoning.
  16. Yes as we need to keep everything simple for BBO He gets too upset when we confuse him.
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