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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. I was just about to give this thread a bump but was beaten to it.
  2. We'll be interviewing Melbourne Football Club CEO Gary Pert on Monday 20/9 @ 8:30pm We'll be chatting with him to get some insight into the behind the scenes in the lead up to the Grand Final. If you have any questions you want us to ask we'll take the best ones.
  3. Sadly they are Out of Stock but if you follow the link you can make an inquiry and they may be able to make one for you. https://thebannerlady.com.au/product/dees-fans-hanging-banner/
  4. I think they’ve sold out.
  5. A friend of Demonlander @Clucka has sent in photos from his 1964 Finals Scrapbook.
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