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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. I actually think that the variety of food outside of the MCG is pretty poor. From Richmond station until Gate 3 there are about 5 food vans all selling the exact same thing. A bit of variety in cuisine would be nice.
  2. Oh. On the quoted posts not the actual posts. As there is no date format setting in the software I reckon the American-centric software developers overlooked that. I'll see if there is a fix but we might be stuck with it.
  3. Wait. Where are you seeing that date format? On old posts (older than 48 hours) I see eg: Posted August 17, 2016.
  4. I'll look into that one. I can't seem to find anywhere in the software settings that deal with dates.
  5. We are living in the future.
  6. Is this still an issue. Works on my Win 7, PC, Chrome. Whispering Jack has Win 10 at his place so I'll check it there over the weekend.
  7. Our techs at IBM are looking into it.
  8. You have me stumped. I'll look into it.
  9. I like your workaround. You have truly beaten the system.
  10. I had to dig it out of deep storage.
  11. Agreed. I changed the images to custom images and I wonder if that has something to do with it.
  12. It is also quite faint on chrome. I'm assuming that is how those browsers deal with "greyed out" images.
  13. I just opened up the Internet Explorer (Hi Russian Spies) and it is showing up fine on that browser. On Firefox it is barely visible which means there is nothing I can do about that.
  14. I think the shocked expression can cover that.
  15. You are correct. I'll see if there is something I can do about that.
  16. Hehe. That was intentional. You could always use an avatar.
  17. What operating system, device and browser are you using? I ask this so I can test the issue if I can.
  18. How are you accessing it? Have you bookmarked the link or are you following a current link on the site?
  19. I've an indent button for desktop posting but it is not available on tablets and phones as the real estate isn't there. The software lets be choose which text editor icons appear for desktop, tablets and phones. Desktops obviously have more real estate and hence more options. This is why you might not be able to edit text colour and size on a phone. You can use BBCode to change these on those devices. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBCode
  20. I know what you mean but if I change it then it changes every post in the forum and makes looking back at old posts really hard. We're stuck with it.
  21. I'm playing around with those like/reactions. I'm going to add like, love, sad, angry etc. It's just making my custom images really small at the moment so I have to work out what's happening.
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