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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. Gleeson: - the only reasonable available conclusion is that this was intentional - intentional and careless - they are mutually exclusive. If you find the player was careless, you are finding he did not intend to touch the umpire. - Tribunal decision was so unreasonable no other Tribunal could have reasonably come to that conclusion.
  2. Seems like Gleeson should have been on the case from the beginning.
  3. You can follow all the action here: http://www.afl.com.au/news/2018-05-17/live-afl-appeals-tribunal-decisions-from-3pm-aest
  4. https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/carlton-brothers-ed-and-charlie-curnow-face-afl-appeals-board-over-making-contact-with-umpires/news-story/7fa938d26889d41da249acefd4d5aef3 The hearings take place at 3pm EST in front of a three-man board — Murray Kellam QC, Michael Green and Stephen Jurica. Jeff Gleeson QC will represent the AFL while Marcus Clarke QC and Paul McDermott will represent the players in their respective cases.
  5. I'm not sure the appearance directly relates to a rise in memberships but it is free exposure and that can't be viewed as a bad thing as some are trying to paint.
  6. Exactly. Not sure how much a commercial is worth these days but I'm sure it's not cheap. This wasn't even a commercial (which alot of people fast forward or go take a leak during). This was during the main event during one of the highest rating show in the country *. You can't put a price on that exposure and considering it was filmed in the off season no one can say it has any impact on our performances this year. I guarantee you the players featured aren't walking around like they're George Clooney or Brad Pitt today because they were on Masterchef last night. * Last Wednesday Night's Ratings (this weeks not available yet) Wednesday 9 May 2018 1 SEVEN NEWS / TODAY TONIGHT 1,022,000 2 SEVEN NEWS 996,000 3 NINE NEWS 952,000 4 NINE NEWS 6:30 927,000 5 MASTERCHEF AUSTRALIA 910,000
  7. If they were Dees players I think I'd be up for that.
  8. So much THIS. I would not have cared if The Blues Brothers got off as long as Hawkins got off too. My problems with the umpiring and the tribunal (not just the ump fiddling but across the board with striking and kneeing) is there is no consistency from week to week and club to club. They make it up as they go along and maybe I'm a little one eyed but we seem to cop the rough end of the stick a lot of the times.
  9. BTW Next weeks Podcast will be LIVE on Tuesday (22/5) instead of Wednesday.
  10. You can download and subscribe to the Demonland Podcast on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/demonland-podcast/id1220844996?mt=2 You can search Demonland Podcast on any other Podcast catching apps on iOs or Android devices
  11. What happens if a player doesn't get out of the path of the umpire running back? Under the old and new rule? This week and last week?
  12. We'll be LIVE in 15 minutes. Listen & Chat: http://demonland.com/podcast Call: 03 9016 3666 Skype: Demonland31
  13. I might get a few of these made for the Demonland office.
  14. Or you could ask The Dee Army on Twitter (https://twitter.com/deearmy) or on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/demonarmy/).
  15. I was meaning to send you a PM about that. Luckily a few Demonlanders went out to see The Jack Viney Show so we have some good written reports to take from. In future please ensure that your paid job does not take precedence over your unpaid gig here.
  16. Forgot to post this earlier but we will be LIVE Tonight at 8:30pm. Listen and Chat LIVE: http://demonland.com/podcast Call: 03 9016 3666 Skype: Demonland31
  17. I see it a different way. Tin Foil hat time. I think the AFL know that the wider community is angry about the outcome and the inconsistency and the appeal is just for show and they will be satisfied with the same outcome and if the fans are still unhappy after then they will just say "we agree. we tried".
  18. You'd think 2 would be up there as well.
  19. Done. Thread title change incoming tomorrow afternoon. Accepting entertaining entries.
  20. They had to appeal yesterday for the May one.
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