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Posts posted by mjt

  1. I just put that through Google Translate and it still doesn't make any sense:

    "This is supported by CS from those of you who came to his dismissal, and you give them money, you recognize that they have you down the back of the room to the table they realize what you buy, you get used to, but in this case there is no relevant we have two paid sex KPP walk to the ATM machine there every Friday pulled out about $ 60,000 between them can not be played dud FMD Dermie pain in 89 GF got a puncture [deleted] lung and production product, because he is a hardcore champion, you people are absolutely pathetic private school boys and girls, men play in pain! Men like Robbie F need to adhere to a political thread because it was all him in his aresensal!"

    You live inSydney and don't even attend games so your thoughts mean Jack [censored]
  2. Haha so that's the standard, if you can't play with a punctured lung you're soft, plenty of players need some harden up juice then

    you seriously have no freaking idea so just shhhh :)

    Dermie has 5 flags and you have none , The Hawks have multiple champs we have none guys like you are pathetic and accept low standards and I don't Thats why I earned big bucks and worked hard for today and your probably posting during lunch break at school, if you think the hierarchy are not questioning those 2 pea hearts contracts your dumber than your posts suggest .
  3. as opposed to ranting like an [censored] and hiding behind your keyboard,

    times have changed hero, someone realised all of a sudden that running with a torn calf is pretty tough.

    Dermie played with a [censored] punctured Lung [censored] some people have no idea.
  4. Exactly, I only ever see any of his garbage when someone responds to it; stop responding and he will just go away, back to Ology where they like him as little as we do here.

    And another thing RF I do have friends on Ology like Dawi who actuay owns the site , so as Biffen said the sooner your sitting in a retirement village farting in front of a photo of the Queen the better.
  5. Exactly, I only ever see any of his garbage when someone responds to it; stop responding and he will just go away, back to Ology where they like him as little as we do here.

    This is coming from you who backed CS to he was sacked , you gave them money and YOU admitted they had you down the back of the room to they realised what you bought to the table , you got used but that has no relevance to this situation we have two highly paid KPP walking up to an ATM every Friday and pulling out about $ 60,000 between them there duds that can't play through pain FMD Dermie got up in the 89 GF with a punctured [censored] lung and produced the goods because he's a hard core champion , you people are absolutely pathetic private school boy girls, men play through pain! guys like Robbie F need to stick to political threads be because that's all he has in his aresensal !
  6. and some guys injure themselves beyond repair. How the heck do you know how much pain Dawes or anyone is in. More armchair toughness.

    I find it hard to take anyone like yourself serious when people like you backed Cameron Schwab to the last day he was in power, similar to Robbie F you have NFI about football some guys like Stynes play through pain and guys like precious Chris cant the guys a spud and that's why the pies off loaded for a pick in the 20s.
  7. Just had grimes on sen and he spoke about MC and how hard it is to c a team mate having issues without being able to do much for him.

    He said how respectful everyone has been about his situation and also how respectful the media have been to.

    Maybe some on here could follow suit.

    Look forward to seeing MC back in the red and blue soon.

    Thats a fair call you have to remember they get paid millions throughout there careers to play and we pay big $$$$$ every week to watch them lose , if this club actually won a few games here and there the negativity probably wouldn't be here but it is what it is.
  8. Agree. The premise, unless I am mistaken, was to hear Roos speak about the team and it's progress. He didn't.

    He is a very good speaker but he told us absolutely nothing about the team or where it is at. Even an accurate injury report would have been nice.

    I left feeling disappointed.

    Hes a bit like a politician Roosy he does the same on 360 he tells you absolutely nothing , you know the clubs coming from a long way back and so forth .
  9. Well, if I took over the MFC and we were only going to last 6 months, my first course of business would be to cancel your membership. It wouldn't be logical and it certainly wouldn't be fair, but I don't think I'd care.

    You simply have no idea you don't pay millions to players for off field leadership, you want on field as well so run along back to class young man.
  10. Hahaha mate, if Mitch gets back on the field in any sort of capacity then he will get another contract for sure, infact at this stage all we are hearing is that he is fine in terms of his foot, struggling abit with soft tissue injuries but so did richo and has some personal issues, he might play the entire second half of the year yet.

    no point jumping the gun

    You must swallow Missions weekly reports then hardly surprising .
  11. I wonder what it would be like to be as self-confident as mjt and a few others around here - so sure they know what's what. Must ask my therapist.

    It's reasonable to think it is unlikely he will play again, it's reasonable to hope he will. But these ex-cathedra statements ...

    If I recall people hear didn't have the sympathy when Fev broke down maybe someone should reopen that thread?

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  12. if we don't honour his contract and support him now he won't be interested in having anything to do with us in the future, we need to be about supporting ourselves not being selfish idiots and only thinking about money when there is a human factor involved.

    They have to honour his contract I never said that , I can guarantee you there will be no more contracts for him in the future anyway and you would have to be an absolute idiot to think there would be, you can be an assistant coach alot longer than you can play ask Brian Royal this guys futures not in playing anymore, it's amazing that people think he's going to play again he needs to think about the next phase of his life though I hear he takes a good photo .
  13. He is doing his rehab! The club has stated as much in their comments regarding their continuing to work through his injury issues with him. You and I both have absolutely no idea whether he is finished or not, so perhaps we should let the MFC be the judge of that.

    I do find it funny that you criticise a poster for his views on Clark's value, suggesting that the club would fold in 6 months if he took the reigns, yet here you are suggesting we should dump players who are going through a bad trot with injuries and who have personal issues that are possibly in some way related. If you took the reigns at the club, we would eventually have no chance of attracting players and would have a lot of trouble retaining the players we do have... net result... we would eventually fold.

    Oh, and I was not questioning whether or not you had membership... I was questioning the way you view the club, the players and by association, the game.

    Im saying offer him a job so it's not exactly dumping him is it?
  14. He IS doing his rehab though, and the best place for it might be Perth. You clearly have no understanding of the idea of "health issues" possibly meaning something other than a hamstring.

    And it's not like telling players to retire has been a blight on our recent history......

    If they suggest retirement and offer a job I can't see a problem with that , it's not like he's out of pocket is it, he's paid massive money and there's no return in sight so why not earn it in the coaches box and who better to learn off than PR.
  15. Apart from the issues others have raised about how such a strategy would stop others from wanting to play with the MFC, your logic is also flawed and simplistic. We have to pay a certain amount of dollars to the players as part of the players' Collective Bargaining Agreement. We wouldn't just 'save' $3.2 million by not 'spending' it on Clark. It would have to spent on player payments anyway. In addition, Clark has offered value beyond the games that he's played - why else would he have been voted into the leadership group?

    So we paid $3.2 million for someone to be in a leadership group, that's value beyond the games lol, If you took reigns of this club it would be wound up in 6 months the clubs done its balls and they know it and the sooner this debacle is finished the better because there's no way the MFC will offer him another contract.
  16. I think the issue there is that mjt considers himself as a shareholder (if he is a member, that is) as opposed to being a supporter.

    Earn your wage do your rehab the guys on $35,000 a game surely there's a place in Melbourne to deal with his problems, there's no point in arguing because the guys finished anyway, the best way to deal with the issue is to tell him to retire and offer him an assistant job under Roos at least that way he's earning his money.And yes HT my whole family are paid up members .
    • Like 2
  17. Your allusions betray your delusions.

    Clark came to this club and looked worth every cent of his wage and more than the Pick 12 we gave up.

    His lisfranc dislocating was a freak occurrence that happened because God Hates Melbourne.

    Roos knows how to build a club and a culture and it, in no way, involves being as heartless as you seem to want this club to be.

    We are his employers and he has had a rough trot with injuries, if he is suffering from a rough personal life then more power to the club for trying to help him through his issues.

    How having a desire for a cohesive and inclusive club culture can descend to 'accepting mediocrity' is an argument of the lazy and snide.

    You can't build a culture in 2 years , Roos knows that and so do you as for Clark the sooner he's delisted the better he's been a waste of 3,2 million .
  18. Honestly some of the [censored] being written here is embarrassing.

    I wish Mitch nothing but the best of health, physical and mental.

    He has been nothing but a wonderful presence at our club, and deserves our support. Obviously he's going through a hard time, and I completely sympathise with the struggles of having to deal with a serious, life changing injury. When at 25 it could also end his career, the pain would be twice as overwhelming.

    Take the time you need and get the care, love and support that you deserve and I genuinely hope we see you back in the red & blue someday soon. If not, well you still have your entire life ahead of you, a family that loves you and a promising talent you can nurture and develop.

    IF the club had your mindset they would be broke you just dont walk away when your on 35 grand a game, if he cant do his rehab and give the fans and the club some bang for there buck its time to retire the supporters have had an absolute gut full of it.
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