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The Little Devils

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  1. That run out of defence was evident only once on the weekend. His defensive efforts were appauling on the weekend - and he ended up playing on Le Cras... not Darling or Kennedy. The other thing is that he will no longer take the game on... Needs his Mojo back!
  2. Could not agree more.... just an example of the simple things not being done..... surely these are 'non-negotiables'..... embarrassing performance from Frawley!! perhaps he should look at the frustration of Garland when he got beaten on the lead... he was absolutely filthy!!
  3. I think that there may have been a fairly big 'farewell' session for Chris last week. He will be back! From the outside looking in, i loved him at Fremantle - his passion was infectious!! And now, he has taken one for the team and also the AFL - tanking is now done with again for the foreseeable future....
  4. One question - how can we still be so poor at kick'ins? surely we worked on this!! will keep the gun pwder dry but if we win 6 matches and are competitive for longer periods, our kids improve, then the season will be a tick....
  5. when Moist Henry is selected in an Australian test team, then I have minimal interest!!! surprised that Steve Smith was not selected as well....
  6. The Ape or the oldest looking 38 year old in the world, ranted and raved about how we didn't stick up for Connolly or Bailey!! Get with the program Robbo - all solicitors met - they started with what they wanted and had to work out how they got there.... That is this in a nutshell...
  7. Our love of AFL and the 24/7 reporting of it leads to these sorts of TV now has some of these newspaper experts or print media as special panel members: - Mark Robinson - took over from Mike Sheahan and battles for credibility. Tries to sensationalise everything on tv with an irritating voice; Caroline Wilson - biased towards certain clubs, does not accept criticism well, afl's first lady - a stretch there; Mark Stevens - slow monotone talker that has been put in the shadows by Barrett; Damien Barrett - nothing to say but good head for newspaper; Jay Clark - appears on after the game with Luke Darcy and various channel 10 celebrities. I liked the old days when the all footy was called by television commentators including the footy news stories, now we have these flogs that have to be involved in every type of media. Give me Gerard Whateley any day!
  8. surely the goings on over the last 12 - 18 months if you include the Scully issue, Jim Stynes, loss of sponsors and now the witch-hunt - we can concentrate on the field... was a deal done between solicitors, with all parties being consulted. The issue that I have is that there was a leak in the AFL and I bet that this will not be investigated. Total lack of professionalism but then again, have to come to expect it.
  9. Gotta love preseason and the hope that it brings!! The real test as always will be when we are put under the extreme pressure.. - will our skills hold up? - will our gameplan hold up? - can we execute both of the above. small steps is the key this year - improvement in our players and also increased level of competitiveness.... cannot wait!!
  10. It will be interesting to see our response to the 'evidence' presented. This could be the making of this administration and of the Melbourne Football Club. I note that they have not sent letters to the other clubs involved in tanking or list management - Carlton, Hawthorn, Richmond, Collingwood, etc. Obviously they were unable to locate their addresses. Barrett is the new Robert Walls - repeat what you hear from other commentators or those prepared to put their jatz crackers on the line!!
  11. I think that it is Bret Hutchinson - wore the number 42 for the Demons in the 80's.
  12. interested by the comments of becoming North's new CEO... This would be a fair get by the Kangas I would have thought
  13. The AFL auditors? Have we broken the salary cap or is there a financial irregularity? More [censored] poor reporting from this 'media commentator'.... When newspaper columnists are football show's main talent - Mark Robinson, Damien Barrett, Jay Clark, Caroline Wilson - you know that the world has gone mad. Unfortunately for Carro, she is now living in the shadow of Emma Quayle who broke the Tippet story this year.
  14. The next test match is in Adelaide, so hopefully the spinners are as good as what the Crows have got.....
  15. Ah Barry Prendergast... not only did he "michael tuck" our club with his recruiting and this long term legacy, he is now working to undermine the club by testifying as to tanking.......
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