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Robot Devil

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Posts posted by Robot Devil

  1. He's an intellectual giant compared to BT, who once said the ball was in the triangle quadrant of the ground..

    Luke Darcy commentary:

    “The lights are coming on, it is getting a bit overcast”

    It was a twilight match and the sun was going down.

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  2. Very much so.

    Owing to your age, Demonland is only offering you a one-year contract to continue posting on this site.

    There are bonuses built in for humorous or insightful posts, and there's an option for an additional year if you meet KPIs, but this is basically the beginning of the end.

    The good news for you is that under FFFA (Fan Forum Free Agency) rules, you can join up at any other club site of your choosing, giving you the opportunity to post about teams more successful than the Demons.

    Beyond that, Big Footy and Facebook beckons...

    It would be easier to retire from Demonland and get a job on the Channel 7 commentary team I imagine.

    I present Exhibit A: could you do better than this man?


  3. Yes, get a membership and you want see ads.

    As an aside, the site doesn't control the ads. The ads are controlled by you, they troll through your search history to give targeted advertising - I see Masters and Bunnings ads everywhere because I recently bought pretty much everything they sell.

    I need a power sander...


  4. Sign of stupidity: the on screen poll claims 35% (highest) of viewers think GAJ will win the Brownlow despite being behind and not playing again. Go figure!

    It's the umpires voting in the on screen poll.

    They'll give Gary a few votes in the last round even if he isn't playing.

    • Like 1
  5. So how much is a brownlow winner worth on the trade table?

    I dunno. What did we get for Woey?

    Edit: I looked it up. Collingwoods first round pick (which we used on Daniel Bell) and we paid Woey for another three years to play for an opposition team.

    Great..... Just great.

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