Loved reading the comments. Here are mine:
Commetti - egotistical but okay
McAvaney - enthusiastic
Huddo - unbiased and very good
BT - thinks it's about him, but ok
Tim Lane - numero uno; favourite commentator ever
Gerald Whately - almost excellent and his star is rising
Drew Morphett - hard to criticise a guy you grew up watching!
Clinton Grybas - much missed
Rex Hunt - quite appalling; thank God he's gone
Bruce Eva - rapt he's on AW; adds a touch of class to NIRS (who are actually very good at what they do)
Quartermain - wishes he was a commentator
Matty Lloyd - a breath of fresh air
David King - he's damaging his brand!
Dermie - out of his depth
Peter Schwab - bit like an older Lloydy
Mark Maclure - entertaining
Chris Grant - see Lloyd & Schwab
Tony Shaw - embarrassing!
Jason Dunstall - hard to listen to
Alastair Lynch - unintelligent
Gerard Healy - egotistical and ignorant
Dwayne Russell - that's as bad as it gets!
And a few from yesteryear:
Lou Richards - loved him
Mike Williamson - left way too early
Frank Adams - fine
Jack Edwards - painful
Peter Ewin - one year says it all
Peter Landy - makes it hard to watch the old replays
Don Scott - antagonistic
Geoff Leek - cool
Harry Beitzel - miss ya, H