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Everything posted by Nascent

  1. For eradicating Small Pox.... Am I doing it right?
  2. I hear a lot of people bemoan the fact that we could have had both if it wasn't for the Kruezer cup. In my honest opinion I think nic-nat really hasn't done that much to deserve the hype and he only gets it because he looks explosive. But ffs he can't even kick the footy properly. How Mike put him in his top 50 players is absolutely beyond me. If he was running around in a Melbourne jumper I bet the media wouldn't being creaming there pants over him and if we had both picks 1 and 2 and selected Watts and Nic-Nat respectively, they would be having a field day about our poor recruiting and the fact we let Hurley, Yarran, Rich and Ziebell etc slip past us. Both Watts and Nic-Nat have a long way to go.
  3. haha, yeah that part didn't come across quite right after re-reading it
  4. This is more of a broad statement than a comment to you wyl. I need to vent after reading some absolute trip over the last couple of weeks. The way I see it, melbourne supporters have two options. A. Take the losses on the chin and come back and support your team or B. Say it’s all too tough and throw away your membership while having a tantrum I don't know about the character of many people here, but being a demons forum I'd assume the members here are in it for the long haul. Myself, I'll be watching the Demons for the next 60 odd years. We could win the next 60 spoons, but I'll still be back at the G' ready for more. We are all angry, sometimes depressed, and ultimately craving finals football once more. We will make finals again, we may obtain that 13th premiership or we may never get there, but this is a ride that I'll never be getting off. Nothing makes me angrier than soft supporters who can’t hack a few poor years and then throw in the towel. Not after what our late president has done for this club.
  5. I'd rather have a well resourced football departement with a clear vision of where they want to go than abandon all hope, rip out what ever remaining fabric of the footy club is left and then resort to under 10's footy. Calls for sacking the coaches and making wholesale off-field changes now would just be a knee-jerk reaction that can only serve to hinder our development further. We will get there, we just need to be patient.
  6. My random thoughts on a few players. Was very impressed with Blease's game today, laid numerous tackles and put in many 2nd and 3rd efforts around the contest. Seemed to really want the pill and even had a bit of agro about him which I liked. Explosive pace and good skills, particularly considering the conditions. He's right footed yes? He's just as comfortable on the left and can kick at pace. If this kid can translate this to AFL level I think we'll have a new fan favourite. Martin seemed to get more confidence as the game wore on and I would much prefer him in the side than Fitzpatrick (atm) and Sellar. Nicholson would be an absolute jet... just a shame he undoes his good work with his kicking. Taggert looked promising but clearly needs to improve his fitness before he can be considered for AFL selection, seems to have good skills but a few times his decision making let him down. Overall still a fantastic game. If he hadn't of been injured early on during pre-season I think he would have debuted by now. Cook and Sheahan I thought were fairly impressive considering the conditions. A mile off AFL selection absolutely, but both are excellent decision makers with good skills. I thought Jai, along with Davis, played really well defensively. Jurrah = Class... Also saw him go in harder than I have seen him previously. Needs to be recalled pending fitness. Also really liked the other Tynan today, thought he showed a bit.
  7. Not sure if that was directed at me but there was another one besides Billy Stretch... supposed to be a good prospect too. May have just been wishful demonland talk though.
  8. From memory there was talk of another potential father/son who is supposed to be a decent player, Healy's kid maybe...? Does anyone have more info?
  9. I was surprised he hasn't been subbed out of a few games to be honest. I rate him as a player and believe he'll be a solid best 22 player for us in years to come, but a few of his games so far have been pretty poor. A number of times he hangs onto the ball for too long and gets caught rather than taking the 1st option. My other main gripe has been him giving away unnecessary free kicks, particularly through poor tackling attempts. Kid can play though and I’m not calling for him to be dropped at this stage.
  10. I think it has already been stated that Adelaide were very keen on Viney and could have secured him as an underage player through the mini draft. Considering the desirable place that Melbourne is to play at, I'm rapt that we have secured him early. A lot of this talk that we are potentially paying overs is based around the fact that our ladder position won't change in the next 17 rounds. That’s a lot of football to be played and while I’ll concede finals is well and truly out of reach this year, it is not implausible to see us rise a few spots. We may end up with picks around the 6 - 9 mark for all we know. I think we need to let this subject rest for a bit until we have a greater perspective on what picks we'll have and where these juniors are actually ranked (i.e. August/September). Btw, 35 pages on a kid not even officially on our list... no pressure jack
  11. Thats much better, I would be very happy with that design.
  12. 1.6 Another heavy song, death metal growls combined with unique clean vocals and amazing guitar work. 1.7 Piano adaption of a beautiful acoustic song
  13. While this forum seems to be a vacuum of depression of late, and what I’d imagine living in Adelaide would feel like, I'm afraid I'll have to add to the negativity and say that I'm not entirely happy with the sponsors. I'll clarify straight away and say that I have no issue with the company’s themselves, rather their placement on our jumpers, namely Webjet. Having a slab of reddish/orange on our jumper, in my opinion, takes away far too much from the red yolk design. Opel however has quite a neat design and I reckon would look perfect on the front of our jumper. Too late for this season but I wonder if its practical too organise a switch during the next offseason?... doubtful I guess consider the big bucks these companies are paying for brand exposure. Just a small gripe in what is a fantastic outcome for the club considering the position it found itself in 2 weeks ago.
  14. no worries mate, it's always good to discover new music... Nascent 1.4 A good progressive band with a story arc over 5 albums Nascent 1.5 something a bit heavier, but one of my favourite bands going around atm (warning for those with delicate ears:contains a mix of singing and screaming)
  15. but in all seriousness, i will most likely wind up naked in the streets and spend the rest of the evening in lock-up
  16. Sit and wait for Demetriou to take the flag off us due to "extensive salary cap breaches", storm style...
  17. Anyone else think that Eddie McGuire had something to do with this? #paranoidconspiracytheory
  18. Great summation Webber. To further add to his post, endurance training leads to a greater density of mitochondria in slow twitch fibres (type I). The mitochondria are factories in all cells that metabolise glucose into usable energy (Adenosine tri-phosphate or ATP) via oxidation. The greater the number of mitochondria allows a greater production of ATP to be supplied to the working muscles (as well as other organs). This of course is not the only factor that contributes to endurance capabilities. Some others include myoglobin (oxygen carrying structure in muscle cells) and capillary density surrounding each fibre. In resistance training, hypertrophy of muscle fibres and increased fluid in the fibre results in a reduction of mitochondrial, myoglobin and capillary density. Interestingly, some evidence suggests that resistance training can improve endurance performance. The hypothesis being that resistance training improves running economy via improved efficiency of motor units recruitment and increased tendon stiffness. Type 2B fibres have the greatest capacity for hypertrophy, at least in the early stages of training. Type 2B fibres characteristically have less myoglobin and mitochondria, but larger stores of ATP enzymes to produce fast contractions. As a consequence, they can produce fast powerful contractions but fatigue quickly with the absence of adequate oxygen supply resulting in lactic acid production. However, studies have shown that type 2B fibres are converted to type 2A fibres following resistance training. Type 2A fibres are more energy efficient and have a greater endurance capacity compared to type 2B. Another thing to remember is that while the percentage of fast and slow twitch fibres vary from person to person, it also varies from muscle to muscle. Praise be to science.
  19. enjoyable read during a barren summer... unsure why players (and fitness instuctors for that manner) waste time on bicep curls though.
  20. All good and well if you're in a position of power within the club. We are supporters and have no input in recruitment. If people feel the need to beat their head against a rock about what could have been then thats their choice. I'm choosing to move on and concern myself with the players we have on our list now and in the future.
  21. Not having a go at you monoccular, but I really dislike this expression. Hindsight is a pointless and futile exercise that achieves nothing. We need to be looking forwards, not backwards. Edit: It's not so much the expression but the frequent use of it on these forums, no point driving yourself crazy over things that have already happened.
  22. Fair call, it wouldn't make sense to make all these alterations to the veterans list only to scrap it altogether a few months later.... I shall remain hanging
  23. A further implication of this would be that a current veterans salary will fully come under the cap next year. The mimimum amount to be spent on the salary cap has also been raised to 95%. Doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room for contracts. Perhaps the AFL are trying to deter clubs from underpaying their players in an attempt to poach stars from rival clubs when free agency comes in?
  24. I thought opiates were the opiates for the masses,
  25. Nascent 1.2 Local progressive/rock band, awesome live Nascent 1.3 Bulb (Misha Mansoor) is an incredibly talented musician/producer. Puts alot of his stuff out there for free on soundclick and has a lot of time for fans. Someone did this mash up on youtube with a song from paramore. Works well I think.
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