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Posts posted by DEES

  1. we shouldn't worry about this match because we blooded a young team and are preparing for round 1. As for our game plan with our handball frenzy, we need to find some way to play on those bigger grounds or else we will lose by the same margin or it could be even worser. Though i have to admit we are overusing the handball, we should learn from the teams that can actually pull it off and follow by there example.

  2. I agree about the dunn is better than miller thing and hope that dunn can make his way to chf instead of miller. miller's so called 'super' game was at the waca where he took uncontested marks and had so much space in front of him, he only kicked 1 goal, hardly the standard of a real chf. I like dunn more than miller and hope that his development kicks on so he can make his mark at afl level. The only thing left is how will our line up look with Newton and Garland in the future.

  3. kinda dissapointed that we lost, but it was good to see our youngsters get a game. Great effort by most of the youngsters and hopefully they can replace the older blokes and find some consistency in their game. Hope we are ready for round 1 and everyone is fit and firing and ready for a big year. It also looks like we'll be looking for a ruckman in this years draft, but hopefully our rucks prove me wrong.

  4. Good to see we are finding a way to win on the bigger grounds,but i was disapointed with our last quarter. we shouldn't have ran out of legs with our so called 'pre season from hell' but whats done is done. Hopefully we see more improvement from the boys and have a very good season

  5. i reckon it would have been better if they'd given a newton a chance instead. 3 ruckmen is too many and we seem to have a lot of defenders. if we brang newton in, he could have had a taste of afl, which could help him develop faster. but i hope neaves does well anyway

  6. if we are getting slaughtered in the rucks, i'm just suggesting but what if our players just predicted where the opposition ruckman will tap it to. they are most likely to tap it thier teammates or to their advantage. but if we have a good onballer who can read the play or if we man up tightly at the centre bounce it could be a way to stop the super ruckman in the AFL

  7. I saw young rookie Danny Hughes with his arm in a sling trying very unsuccessfully to pick up last thursday night at Half Moon in Brighton. Keep trying kid, you'll get one sooner or later! He was also having a yarn with Chris Judd moments earlier.

    lol must be his hair, hes got one outraegous doo on him

    and i hope dunny gets bigger and can be our full time CHF

  8. noooooooo

    at least give smith a chnace to prove himself before he should be delisted. he is still young and good shape for our foward structure when neitz retires. although its hard to give him a chance this year considering we are playing good footy

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