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red and blue forever

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Posts posted by red and blue forever

  1. 1 minute ago, Patches O’houlihan said:

    Sam McClure has no idea. I think he’s drastically underestimating the quality of Jesse hogan. He could be just about anything. 

    Hes clearly worth 2 first round picks. 


    we should flood SEN with texts telling McClure he is a complete Dingbat.

  2. OK, so no to the Tyson part of the deal.


    How about


    So now, how about...

    Neale to brisbane for 5

    hogan to Freo for 5, 11

    Kent to saints for pick 39

    Kelity, 11, + 39 - for May and KK


    11, 36 and 39 for May and KK


    ?? should get it done...

  3. It is a good sign out delistings are getting stronger and the selection table are having more headaches


    Out 2018 Out 2017 Out 2016 Out 2015 OUT 2014 Out 2013 OUT. 2012
    H.Balic J.Spencer J.Grimes D.Cross S.Blease T.Couch J.Gysberts. - North
    B.Vince J.Trengove D.Terlich M.Jamar M.Clisby A.Davey S.Martin. - Lions
    C.Pederson M.White M.Jones R.Bail J.Strauss T.Davis B.Moloney. - Lions
    T.Bugg L.Hulett L.Dunn - Pies J.Howe - Pies J.Frawley - Hawks T.Gilles C.Morton. - Eagles
    L.Filipovic B.Kennedy V.Michie (r) J.Mckenzie M.Clarke - cats J.Macdonald J.Rivers. - Geelong
    M.King J.Watts M.Dawes J.Fitzpatrick - Hawks D.Nicholson J.Magner R.Petterd. - Tigers
    P.McKenna C.Garland B.Newton J.Toumpas - Port S.Byrnes D.Rodan J.Bennell. - Eagles
    D.Kent??   Max King (r) A.Riley A.Georgiou® J.Sellar M.Bate
        H.Lumumbia   D.Barry C.Sylvia - Freo L.Cook
            M.Evans T.Taggert B.Green
            L.Tapscot J.Tynan L.Jurrah
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  4. 10 minutes ago, Dee-licious said:

    This has made me feel a lot better than where I was when I was posting. I was lamenting the fact that we are again loosing players from our list. You are right that the 2019 OOC are really best 22 either at the MFC or other top 8 clubs. Baker, Wagner, Maynard are the only ones there that I'd question might not break Geelong's starting 22, but I'm looking forward to seeing what Baker can do. My worry is experienced depth, which is why I dont want to loose guys like Tyson and JKH. They are good players who will offer more next year than pick 45. 

    Building on this, last year we lost Garland and Watts who were in our best 22. The others were Hulett (0 games), Kennedy (bust trade), Lumumba (well Clark didnt do anything either), Spencer (great back up), Trengove (sad but glad he got a go with Port), and White (didn't loose anything here as he came to Casey anyway). 

    This year we have lost Vince to retirement which is odd for us as we haven't had many who have lasted to retirement lately, Balic which was sad for the boy but we never had him in MFC colours and most thought depth anyway. King and Flip were basically out due to their in and out from Casey by mid way through this year and our preference not to play them in the ruck. McKenna was a speculative pick that none of us really put hope in, Bugg was good for us during transition and I hope he gets a gig somewhere else, but no one had him best 22 at the start of the year, and Pederson has again been a great servant during transition but he would just be back up again next year. 

    Now it comes down to players we don't really want to loose. I know things happen during the year, but I dont know where I am de-listing three from next year's OOC. 

    it is getting harder, a great thing indeed, but there are still some who would be surplus to requirements,


    Wagner for One is obvious to cull ,

    I would think stretch would close to that too

    Last year of Lewis...  and that is three players.


    If D.Johnstone  and JKH ges contract extensions they will porbably be only one year, and will need to show something good to get another...


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  5. 43 minutes ago, McQueen said:

    I throw my scarf to the Salvo's every year in an attempt to raise the appearance of increasing Demons supporters in Perth.

    No evidence that it's working.

    I do a similar thing to help promote the club to potential new supporters.


    Myself I get the little sticker for car number plates we receive in our membership package and stick them on random peoples cars.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Wiseblood said:

    None of the last 4 games should hold any fears for us.  We know we can match it with anyone, and if we continue to play at the level we have been, then there is absolutely no reason why we can't go extremely close to winning all of the last 4 games.  

    did a ladder predictor just before, had us win all 4 games and somehow we finished 2nd.....




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