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Posts posted by ox_5

  1. Thanks for all your analysis mate.

    Is your 5 to 1 in which order? e25 best, or my team best? Need to know for bragging rights, basically. From reading it I would say I got the nod, which surprises a little.

  2. I thought I would give this a crack. Like others have said, its pretty difficult.

    Bartram, Frawley, Rivers

    Morton, Garland, Grimes

    Trengove, Moloney, Davey

    Petterd, Watts, Dunn

    Green, Jurrah, Bennell

    Jamar, Scully, Sylvia

    Jones, Wonna, McKenzie

    Sub: Bail

  3. I reckon whilst Moloney is a booming kick, he is very one dimensional. He usually justs kicks it long in hope rather than setting up plays.

    That is a perception of Beamer which would have been correct in 2008.

    Moloney version 2009-10 really changed his game. Especially in 2010, he dropped his eyes quite often and went for the shorter option, and looking to set up run with handball. Often at times I felt he was too focused on the short option when there were times he could have gone longer.

  4. YEP- but as you know at training- he is doing a hell of a lot more running and I feel they will play up up the field more as time goes by as well as a forward.Don't forget Davey was a only forward pocket going back a couple of seasons ago.Nothing is new,all I am saying is the team will be more flexible this year.LJ spent alot of time on the bench this year and last- I see him on the ground alot more in 2011. .Garland played on the forward line in his first few games, I think he kicked a goal with his first kick my memory.

    I reckon the reason he is doing more running is because he needs to get fitter. He still couldn't run out whole games in 2010, hence the spending time on the bench.

  5. I have no complaint about the jumpers however I have a small story about the MFC shop.

    Just before Christmas my wife ( Collingwood would you believe ) went with my daughter ( not Collingwood thank god ) to buy me one of the new

    Polo shirts. They were both very disappointed with the experience.

    Both claimed the place was a shemozale with almost nothing of the new range available.

    There was old gear all over the place. The staff were nice and tried to be helpful but you cannot sell what you don't have.

    Their comment was why advertise the 2011 items when there was no stock.

    My wife came home muttering about no wonder we cannot beat the "PIES"

    I am still living with the negative comments on the 30th.

    I think in some areas the club still has a ways to go before we can match the top clubs!

    I was not long before xmas also mate, and I can say that this is all true.

    However - there are reasons. I went in the Friday before the Barassi signing and the launch of the new demons. The place was a mess because it was being rebranded the Demon Shop and stuff was being moved around in preparation for the Barassi signing.

    There was no new stock on sale because they had pretty much all been pulled. The jumpers for the reason we all know about and the polo shirts, training singlets etc because the logo was peeling off and inferior.

    This had only been noticed that week I think, hence it still being on the website.

  6. This year the prize for the premiers was $1 million. Half of this went to the club, half to the players. I would assume only the 22 who played - or in the case of Leon Davis, maybe 23.

    So that would make it $22,727 per player if 22.

    The runners up shared $500,000, so $250k to club, $250 to players. Making it $11,363 per player.

    Well said Nasher - a common sense post.

    Im not concerned about GWS anyway, it's Richmond I have heard are the danger.

  7. LOL

    I can pretty much guarantee everyone in my team will make a visit to the hospital from now until the end of 2011. The history of players in my Dreamteam, avatar / desktop / fb profile injury list reads like a horror story. I'm a curse, basically.

    Let's all hope my captain cops it the worst :lol:

    In that case, can you please take Ricky out of your team!

  8. More Friday night and Sunday games usually suits me as I play footy on Saturdays. But when you throw a wife, a Melbourne Victory game, and watching Liverpool late on the tele into the mix, something usually has to give!

    Probably the liverpool games! Record them!

  9. Thanks for all the input guys, your analysis is really good.

    I was disappointed with my final midfield, with 2 picks not falling my way which I had ready to pounce.

    Pendlebury is the big one, with E taking him 1 pick before me. And then Scott Thompson with him going 2 picks before mine. If I had those 2 I would have been extremely pleased with the overall balance.

    Like E, I mean, e said, it will be interesting to look at this in a years time and see how the season panned out for the 180 players chosen.

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