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Posts posted by ox_5

  1. Personally I'm sick of having had to listen about the Filth for the past week and not having a result to cheer/moan about. I ruddy well hope they don't keep it.


    Not much you can do about it when there are 17 teams.

    And can't see a reason it would be kept when we are back to an even number of teams next year.

  2. I read comments like this and have to look at who posted it to know whether they're facetious or serious. Thankfully on this occasion I concluded facetious.

    On QB - the results last year might as well have been 20 years ago for all their relevance now. Collingwood are not in our league and it will take a Herculean effort on our part - and a poor one on theirs for us to be in this match.

    I expect we're going to get a lesson in this match this year.

    Good conclusion Nasher

  3. He seems to be a very clever coach does Todd. And has gained experience and two successful clubs. Hopefully he can have a big impact with our kids.

    I don't think he will ever take a senior gig though, with young Jack coming through.

  4. The feeling is quite mutual. Understand what I say and not "read" to use your words. the way you address me is what I would define as condescending, with all due respect. I am not a child and I had, at last testing, an I.Q. of 145 and don't need your "school teacher" approach. Now you have explained in more detail what you actually meant by your defining moment,(been more concise) I see what you were trying to say. but I will stick with my "waffle". You may call it waffle, others may not. BY the way I was awarded a 91 % mark in English Level 3 at Matriculation College, which at that point in time was the second highest mark at Hobart Technical College. A long while ago admittedly, but nevertheless a high achievement, considering in those days there were no computers and all spelling mistakes were deducted from marks.I consider myself to be no less intelligent as you obviously consider yourself (by your comments) to be...no offense intended ..

    And earlier you stated that you didnt think you were being too sensitive. Jeepers creepers. You dont have anything to prove. Its a footy forum, enjoy your footy here.

    I, personally, appreciate your passion to the Dees. But really, if a poster doesnt agree with you, or replies in a way you feel is condescending, get over it and move on. Writing a reply like this would not help your cause, whatever that may be.

  5. Not sure if this has been mentioned but this was a trip organised by vice president Guy Jalland, an executive at Consolidated Press Holdings (packer empire, channel 10 part owner).

    I am pretty sure this was an exercise in showing off to some of our key youngsters our friends in high places.

  6. Petterd played Round 1, 2011. Rushed back from a minor hamstring...but wasn't he the sub and showed be was fit on the day? Yep...gotcha.

    Frawley, is our most important player. He could have played round 1 also but was given an extra week. Not my definition of rushed back.

    Morton had a finger injury so didn't really lose fitness. Came back as the sub, perfectly fine decision.

    Imagine if we play Scully before round 12. You would probably call that rushing him back too.

  7. Sylvia had over 30 touches.

    He didn't appear happy with his application after a couple of misses, and let off some steam when he finally nailed a goal from handpass from Grimes. Hard to read, but I was a little surprised he ran straight back to the centre after celebrating himself - no time to thank Grimes or anyone ? I thought that was a little peculiar.

    I have noticed that more often then not he seems to want to just get on with the job after kicking a goal. Generally with his trademark strut with the guns on show.

  8. The problem is those stats say nothing about Watts' intensity, urgency to get the ball, willingness to put his head on the line and body over the ball.

    That's his problem, not the number of kicks and marks per game.

    That's the thing Clint, he improved in all those aspects in the one quarter he had a chance to.

  9. Disagree on Watts. He played a quarter and had 6 touches and 5 marks, including a couple of big contested grabs. If Davey could handball he'd have had a goal as well. 1 awful kick on his left is the only blemish.

    Agree. His intensity was up and looked like he wanted to hunt the footy more than usual. Stuck some tackles which usually slip and put himself in good positions.

    Should hold his spot against the Eagles in my opinion.

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