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Posts posted by Flemo56

  1. Gotta say afta being around for well ova the 51yrs since our last flag, I knew deep down MFC was gunna rip us another! Got home from golf at 1.15 not wanting too watch, had a barbie on thank u, any why I switched the start of game on, 5min in Viney gathers in ball and ducks his head into the tackle.........I went to the barbie and backed a coupla of winners cause deep scarring told me we really weren't gunna beat that hated tribe.

    I'm a tragic dees supporter, deep down u all new it to......didn't you's?

    Or am I alone! Faaaaaarrrrrrrrrrk

    • Like 1
  2. A new day looks much brighter for us Demon tragics, at last!

    Gus Brayshaw, this kid is something(Harveyesque,saints, mould),gut runs, busts tackles, is so hungry for leather or man with leather, already a leader with that sorta mindset.

    As a team we are learning what it's all about, finally, last week was a lesson that really hurt the group as a whole, ANB heart thumping said a lot yesterday, 4 me anyway, hopefully 4 our MFC.

    A fantastic team effort I was only pessimistically hoping 4 prior to the bounce, I was a pleasure to b around....lol.....was by myself. Lotsa fist pumping an f...k u [censored]. Love all you Demons.

    Bring it on.......

    • Like 5
  3. We continually commit suicide with our shots on goal (set shots & running) that just kill any momentum we could get going. Frustrating crap for a supporter. We are so inept as a team. Only rarely do we get teased with some teamwork and a win. Just another disappointing day watching my team play crap footy. Great game tmac , well done billyS , a solid debut. Hoges dos'nt stop trying, matter of fact I think all the boys toiled away, we r just so far off the pace. More pain too come I fear, effort is all I want out off the list we have. More list building needed, stating the bloody obvious. Bugga we are still shyte.

  4. Young melb lass said it all 4 me afta the game when u could c that she asked the players as they entered the tunnel, "what was that, WHAT WAS THAT"! And that was my highlight 4 the day, too c we still have passionate young supporters.

    The trench is still deep an dark!

  5. Changes? Change the effing lot.

    B. Steam'n Demon, Biffen, WYL.

    HB. Stuie, BBO, TSFKAs

    C. Django, Redlegs, SteveTMJordan.

    HF. Cudi420, JumboR, Nasher.

    F. BobbyMc, WhisperingJack, Old Dee

    R. Deespicable, JVineyFan.

    R. Maggot77 (of course)

    INT. 45HG, Steam'nDemon, IvaWarneSmith.

    Sub. Gorgoroth.

    If ya not picked, tuff luck, I didn't even give myself a game....

    Sorry but I'm at a point were I can only laugh at our lot, Im way past all the crap my beloved Dee's have dished up SINCE '64', an interstate member I remain an will continue ta b until "WHATEVER"..........

    • Like 5
  6. Once a Demon always a Demon, we are on the dark side an can never return, but we can stuff em all up as we have done 12 times previously. Great to c some passionate support, I hope all Demon supporters are tough enough to stick it out, after all, why would you give up now after copping all the crap WE have dished up and copped from all and sundry for way to long. Still plenty of us in this dirty, filthy trench.

  7. Seems a fair call by all on what we've produced so far in 2013, I was disappointed with what i saw on Sunday, but as always i'm optimistic about how we will perform. I really do like the changes I'm seeing to address all of our past failings as a competitive team and club.

    Shove it up em, DEMONS, all of em!

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  8. Just home from the game at southport, haven't read many post but can get a feel for whats being said from the few i have. For me it was same old thing, we chased and we chased and we chased which we never stopped doing which was good, I think? When we got our hands on the ball we just couldn't keep possession for long enough to build pressure, so we chased again! Sylvia's endeavour and run was good to see, Ranga did ok, well they did all have a go which was the pleasing thing, seemed to be a lack of talk on field amongst our lot compared to them, and the real frustrating bit o footy i saw was us lying (russian i think) on the ball and not even ATTEMPTING to get it out, hold'n the ball every time.The Suns seemed faster and played a lot more structured than us. I honestly can't c us winning to many this year even with a best 22. Disappointing 4 me i'm afraid.

  9. I am ambivalent about the upcoming footy season. In the past I have got myself up for the new season with always a touch of optimism however, the lack of success is finally eating away at this supporter.

    We have lots of young talent...and the best of luck to them, however the club still reeks of sustained on field failures and off field dramas.

    The MFC is still a joke amongst the media and those informed in the industry....this makes me ill with contempt, but where is the success going to come from?

    The late great Jimmy Stynes was our saviour......is there a hero or 2 ready to bring home the bacon for the MFC or are we totally irrelevant in this competition.

    I truly hope I am proved wrong.

    We have lots of young talent.....that are at a NOW professionally coached and run club, that, The late great Jimmy Stynes, and others including supporters have helped rebuild.

    The MFC is still a joke amongst the media and those informed in the industry.....I don't give a crap about THEM, WE will gain their respect starting this season and i'm again onboard with plenty of optimism again, Soidee

  10. If we lost scumbags like McLean and Scully over this issue then it was well and truly worth the 500k and I would certainly be happy to kick some money into any fund to recoup the monetary loss for the club.

    Yes scumbags, they abandoned ship cause there heart's didn't beat R&B like our's and try and turn our culture around maybe more like it.

  11. I reckon the AFL got this just about right - perhaps they were a bit soft on us.

    Bailey and Connolly were behind the scenes making dodgy decisions leading to deliberate short term losses for expected long term gains that never came. And Jimmy - God bless him - was probably implicit also. We are very lucky not to have draft picks taken away.

    We did everything else BUT tell our players to lose. I can't tell you how angry I am that officials of the MFC - the founding club and best club in the world - decided that a culture of losing would have long term gains. I have been a great fan of Connolly and thought Bailey had some things right, but I do not want to see Connolly back our great club. Think how Barassi, Flower, Viney, Lyon would respond if the club was doing everything to lose while the players were busting heads, guts, legs and all they had to try and win a flag???

    We lost Brock McLean and Scully because of this, and probably others. Regardless of how we now feel about them they were good players who smelled a rat.

    Never, NEVER again!!!

    Gotta agree with MB here, our footy culture,it would seem, really bottomed out in this horrible period and leading up to 186, it would seem to b stupid comments from CC, didn't help either, in any context it's not good for a footy club especially ours that has been down for 2 effing long, still a stupid effing outcome by the AFL, such BS with so many on record comments from past coaches and players about "not winning" at other clubs, ffs I am glad it's ova now!

    GO DEE'S

  12. Our club has today in accordance with the agreed timeframe - provided its response to the AFL investigation. I intend keeping all our members and supporters regularly updated regarding this matter.

    Wouldn't we like to no, now, what was in that reply! More great reading on dland, ova a cuppa of course wyl.

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  13. Yeah 6 I c it, a good mentor for young jv, it's hard to believe the change to professionalism that the fd seems to have brought about so quickly, it would seem so from what I'm reading in the great training reports were get'n, it's very hard to not get excited about the upcoming season, I'm really biting my lip with other afl supporters regarding what we'll do, like all us diehards iv'e been bit to many times by Demons of the past...........Bring it on i say sooner rather than later. Keep up the good work 6 we all appreciate it from interstate.

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