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Posts posted by 3Dee

  1. 5 minutes ago, GCDee said:

    Kinda regretting my decision to buy tickets to this game. It windy as balls up here again, feel like it going to be a repeat of the doggies game. 

    Haha I am feeling exactly the same, not sure if I'll make it out of the Aussie Nash.

  2. Ahead of ourselves again, how many times did we contest the ball against one another? Went for the flashy / lazy play ?

    Forward line absolutely stunk it up. Need a Hannan / Pickett type, Melksham no longer has it. 

    Goodwin "where can we stick Oscar where he will cause minimum damage" that was brutal. 

    We missed Hibbo.

    Swans got away with dropping the ball and holding the man a heap which was mildly infuriating, still not the difference.

    Please win Carlton.

  3. He was a bit out of touch and made that costly error but redeemed himself when he set up Trac for his 3rd.. 

    Let's not Junior Mac him, I think he still has enough left in the tank to go around for another season, if anything his value off the field should not be underestimated.

  4. 8 hours ago, 3183 Dee said:

    Steven May again getting around the younger guys. Anyone who still doubts our trade for him has rocks in their head.

    He is our Mitch Robinson. A guy written off providing massive value to team culture. 

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