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Summer Blease

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Everything posted by Summer Blease

  1. Bruce is an interesting one. Firstly, let me clarify; he is a very valuable player to the MFC. He runs all game and wracks up the possessions; however his disposal is circumspect... people cringe when he has clean possession and it is for a reason- He’s disposal is not as CLEAN as you would like for someone of his stature; Although he’s efficiency stats say otherwise, a keen observer would notice that alot of his disposals only just come off, and had it not been for luck or quick thinking from a receiver- the ball could be turned over. He still sells people into trouble.... People please don’t confuse this as more ‘Bruce bashing’- I am acknowledging his efforts for this club but also acknowledging the fact that his flaky disposal is sometimes very obvious. Re Bate and Jones- They are both turning into the players we require them to be and we can’t ask for any more. Bate is becoming the reliable ‘link’ man, sorry that doesn’t do him justice- he is everything we wanted Miller to become- the big linking/assisting pillar of strength- he is strong overhead and deceptively quick, people who want more from him are greedy and expect too much. Jones is a little up and down, but when he is up he reminds people of what we can have, and people forget how old he is because it seems he has been there forever.. He does look like he is getting better at evading and hitting a target- very exciting, the boy can become very good, and like Bate, can become exactly what we are looking for; a tough midfielder who is evasive and picks out good targets. He and McKenzie shall have a great partnership.... if ONLY Junior was 5 years younger....
  2. Oh yeah.. does anyone here watch 'lost'? Jack Trengove= Jack's son in the sideflashes. Amazing
  3. How do I do that? I foxtel iq'd it. Tell me how I send it on it's way from my foxtel box, to your youtube box
  4. Truely justified his selection in my team, the Deestroyers, tonight. May help me get over the line in my league match. Inspired choice by me... funny thing is before this game i just bought Bail, but my emergencie is jetta, who is also in my opponents team, so end result = nulification. Sweet sweet nulification. Gotta be non plused with that.
  5. Was actualy going to attempt a backflip after tonights efforts, got bloody nervous though- decided to eat an ice cream crunchie instead. Exciting times indeed, I am lapping it up!! Go Dees!!
  6. I'm not selling anyone short, I mentioned Warnock previously, and as for not going through the whole team, well i'm not a commentator in any capacity, so I have no duty to report on every single player. Feel free to contribute your own input however.. yes Grimes was good. But mentioning this would be boring- Grimes being good is the default. He is a 200 plus gamer after all.. oh wait scratch that, he plays like a 200 gamer. Look, just step off my grill you jive turkey.
  7. All of a sudden we are all smiles. The new recruits love it. We are handing out footys after the game and slapping hands with supporters.. the things successful teams do.. 50 point win... what script are we folowing indeed!!! Jones- Great Trengove- Best game yet Macdonald/Mcdonad- Great game Sylvia- Strong and becoming increasingly consistant. Maturing. Bloody exciting. Stepping up big time! Molony- Becoming a pillar of strength and reliability Scully- Will become a star. So so lucky to get the Tren/Scull combo. We have been blessed people. Frawley- Say no more. This man is inspiring. Talking about inspiring, the team song is going.... THE BOYS ARE BLOODY PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And rightly should be!! All this without Jurrah, Watts, Wonabona etc.... it's almost looking like even if they were firing, it would almost be hard for them to crack in.... what a truely joyous position we are now in!! Everything is smiles, roses, cupcakes and fairy bread down at the MFC for now, and we can almost afford to laugh at the prospect of the kangas next week!! I almost want to cry!!
  8. Its up to us fellas.. we must keep playing the way we have the previous 3 quarters... we have a 28 point head start, a WIN is all that matters.... Go Dees!!!
  9. 28 up... 20 seconds left 3rd quarter... nice... this will be the lead going into the last....... should be able to take this one BOYAYS!!
  10. Poop.. lions back within 29 points.. fev awarded dubious free.. tackled grimes- whose arm was pined and thus couldn't release the ball... hold steady dees... 1.42 left on the clock.. held up in the dees backline... lucky not to give a free away to johnstone... melb trying to clear... away, held back in kick to brown... [censored].... brown lining up, 50 secs on the clock..
  11. On a side note, anyone think Miller would be feeling the pressure??
  12. Nicely put. A delightful statement. I second it. Tonight our backline shows its worth. Our young kids reveal their potential. Pettard, like he always does shows us how unbridaled bravery can lift those around you, and alas, loosing culture, is a myth, and therefore, can suck my face! I am in a semi erect state, and let it be known Melbourne Demons, it is your fault. With your sexy playing style etc...
  13. BANG 11 Indeed... Our vigour and intent is something to behold. This is a different team we are witnessing.. Bate goal. Melb 79 BL 36 Who would'a 'thunk' it?? Certainly not I!! We must stay strong though.. a momentary lapse in concentration and anything could happen... fev lining up...., misses... Melb 79 BL 37 8 mins 20 left in the 3rd
  14. Let it also be known that Batram is having a good game, and Jones is stepping up also- he is looking great- sidesteppin' and stuff.. hitting targets also. Mckenzie just kicked a goal incidently and is looking a player! We are 42 points up baby!!! When is the Demonland staff party coming up? Next round? Orgy in order? Theres going to be alot of love around here the next couple of weeks!!!
  15. "The young and exciting dees.." "The transition KINGS"!!!! HAHAHAH OMG, we are truely witnesing years of heartache and sacrifice paying off. Over the course of the last few weeks it is like a switch has been flicked.. we are a different team; a team in fact. All of a sudden everyone looks like they are playing with each other for each other. We are backing ourselves and playing on FOR ONCE. It is truely BLOODY BRILLIANT!!! Quite so very, very happy, you all may tell.... Frawley- Holly hell this boy can play. He is God out there. Wins anything one on one. We would be doing well to keep this fine young man! Warnock- Also playing well. Think he has only had 1 kicked on him. Has held his own. Trengove- Getting amongst it. Kicked a goal, could quite easily have had a couple more Bennell- Is being played forward more now it seems.. it also seems he looks a hell of a lot better there! Green- His usual self- that being a good target, providing good forward thrust Bate- Once again taking everything. This boy isn't great to watch but he is solid and catches win matches. Bruce- Let it be known I am not a Bruce basher. That being said- sometimes hes desposal lets him down hugely, mostly due to the fact his errors are elementary, always 'unforced' and more likely than not they cause a direct turnover. He might 'unforce skill error' himself out of this increasingly exciting team! It seems a focus has been placed upon general skills all round. Everyone is stepping up at Dee land from the coach down!! All those that were going on about a 'loosing culture' HAHAH what a myth!! It's about being competitive, nothing less; no mythology or 'hoopla'... and to all those else about not wanting to do the 'tank', well may I present to you, Mr Trengove AND Mr Scully... sit back and enjoy this show for many years.... Halftime, Dees 9.3 Lions 3.3 We are holding the twin towers BEAUTIFULY with only 3 goals between them! Frawley is a tower of hope and resiliance, Warnock, his trusty steed! BLOODY EXXXCITED!!! XXX EXCITIED that is..
  16. Fools. You lose faith so easily- Melbourne chose the long hard road, they went the slowly surely path. Jack Watts is a better quality footballer period, and to all you nay sayers wait till he actually gets the chance to prove us right! Nick Nat is fully/close to fully developed and may already be shining bright. Melbourne had clear deficiancies in their list and had to draft for them. Another case of greedy supporters who want to 'have their cake and eat it also'.. Jack Watts is a skinny lanky lad who still wears pyjamas to bed and has a bum fluff moustache. He has a stunning kick on him though..you people will remember this in time. Ross Lyon cRoss Lion
  17. Doesn’t make sense. If we do that, we won’t receive said ruckman until next year, meaning we are in the same boat for the remainder of this year. Add to that the fact that barring injury we will have Meeson back, Spencer would have developed some more- it would be silly to recruit a young ruckman at this stage. And to trade a first round draft pick for it would be criminal. I don’t think it’s going to take Gawn 3-4 years to develop, think it’s just a matter of him getting his body right to go. When the body is right the boys size will take care of the rest-so to speak. The kid is massive, and NOT unco. I have high hopes for this lad. An absolute steal!!
  18. wow... just, wow. Occasionaly we see things like this on Demonland, and everytime, words can't express the feelings- we are left speechless..... wow..
  19. Were you at the game? They couldn't hit a target to save their lives. The thing here is a "win" for us would be if we came into this game thinking we could win, and went out there playing our hearts out with the belief we can win. I want to see a bloody good contest! A win would be considered the bonus as I am not expecting one. They are way too big and strong at this stage, have twin towers and are unbeaten. Stranger things have happened though.... (edit; barring some kind of steven bradbury like scenario where they all fall over, stranger things won't happen)
  20. From level 3 wing I could see definition in his arms and his general beefcake hulk like build. Nason looked like a rebelious Charlie Bucket. Nothing in it- boy getting bumped by big man- boy gets hurt some.. life of the pathetic and frail rookie..
  21. Bates football does the talking not posters on Demonland, fortunately. Ipso facto; Bate is a strong player, period. He is everything we wish certain other players could be, not naming names, but cough miller cough.. Some of you are wickedly greedy beyond comprehension. Accept and admire what we have and those who bust their ass for this club!
  22. The tide is turning. Ahh, what a fitting metaphor for this club of demons which we all love. Tide started turning when we appointed the crafty tactician Mr Bailey and he methodically and ruthlessly went about pillaging our list and drafting for the needs of todays fast paced, highly skilled, tough game. I will never take for granted the gift that Dean Bailey bestowed upon us in 2009- although somewhat fortuitist make no mistake, the young blood we have at the club is what is going to win us a flag, that is all that matters, and Dean Bailey has enabled us this opportunity. This man is a GOD in my eyes... anyway, I digress.. Was chattin with my mate at the footy today. We both marvelled at the fact that we were actually expecting a win and a defeat never even crossed our mind. We both tried to recall the last time we could afford this kind of optimism and we truly couldn’t remember- much like after the game we were kind of laughing that we were on a ‘roll’ and have won 2 on the trot.. we also tried to remember the last time that had happened... also to no avail... From the outside looking in, it seems the bar has been risen. Greater efforts are being made, players are becoming more accountable. All of a sudden it looks like we have a few players out there.. players who are playing with synchronicity, playing towards the same goals- all of a sudden we have a team, and a young, skilful, potentially incredible team at that, and it is [censored] AWESOME!!!
  23. I never take pleasure in talking crap about our players because they are living my dream, and by default I admire them for that. Anywho with that said barring minor miracle, can't see dunn being here next year. We have too many tasty prospects. I think we are going to see alot of lucky people's luck run out come seasons end. You'd have to think Miller and Dunns name would be pretty close to the top..
  24. Barring injury, Miller won't be playing another game for the Dees i'd imagine. He is a proven spud. To those that say 'Miller basher' may I retort by saying remove the rose coloured glasses and realise the man provides no target and absolutely no presense whatsoever! The fact that a recently re-rookied then re-promoted Newton is playing ahead of him is testament to this fact, also the fact that we are playing better without him certainly doesnt help the cause.. Miller won't be back because he will just be getting in the way of a hopeful developing- and we have many more youngsters to try up forward- we are past the point of having to 'make do' we are evolving past the days of Miller and doesn't it feel just great?
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