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Posts posted by Ned

  1. http://www.heraldsun...f-1226343832143

    Neeld has told the boys to not even mention it amongst themselves.

    Probably a good move, I find it is easier to beat teams that have had the wood over you for a while by ignoring the past and not letting the new players become 'indoctrinated' with that mindset.

    Big game this one. For reasons alluded to - we are back at Ground Zero and that game has a halflife of about a decade if you follow my meaning...

    186 stings the nostrils.

    I totally agree. This game isn't about winning or losing. It's about restoring some respect to the Melbourne jumper.

  2. I'm with those that don't think Neeld should do anything other than find a spot for Clarke & Frawley. After having just re-watched the game, I even think that some of my reactions last night might have been flawed i.e. I don't think Sellars and Watts were that poor - not great but not that poor!

    What a great place to be in compared with the last few seasons. We now have players expected to perform to certain minimum levels before they are promoted. A miracle (almost).

    Apart from Dunn, I don't know who should be dropped. Maybe Tapscott who seemed to struggle a bit but was also very brave. On reflection, I can't even understand why so many call for Joel M to be dropped. IMO his strengths still far outweigh his weaknesses and you can't fault him for effort and hardness. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing who runs out on Saturday because, if nothing else it might give us an idea of who they think can be trusted to execute the plan and who can't.

    Great post. I agree, the more you watch it the better it looks. Tapscott has great effort and he also has a decent kick on him, something that's useful in our team.

  3. Yep, good game. His last kick out deep in the fourth quarter had real intent, tried to take the game on. Liked it and hope it becomes the norm. I don't fear skilled stadium next week. We'll lose, but if we play like tonight, there'll be no humiliation.

    • Like 2
  4. I don't think you understand our gameplan then.

    It's main focus is defensive.

    That's what I said. We had been attacking, now we're learning defense. Adelaide the other way round and it's easier for them as a result. You need to read what people write.

  5. In the cold light of day and reading these posts, perhaps it wasn't such a disaster. I guess the source of my frustration is I believe we should've won and I know how much confidence that would've instilled in the group and, more than anything, been a fitting send off for Jimmy.

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  6. Probably the dumbest post I have read all year. And that says something.

    Demonland's Tea Party element is starting to raise its stunningly enlightened head.

    You keep those tinted glasses on chief. Trengove look like he's thriving to you? Melbourne look like the toughest team to play? One minute the tough as nails press conference the next finding positives in 10-goal shellackings to Richmond? What top team outside Collingwood in 2010 is playing the boundary-contest game? And Collingwood of course abandoned it.

    I'm all for reasonable expectations. I don't see the dogs as a good team. They're rubbish. We had everything to play for and came up well short. Revel in the 29-point loss Ron.

  7. Watts is 21 and will improve under Neeld. NicNat came into the AFL ready-made and so there is no comparison at this stage. I still believe will become an elite player, not a dominant forward, but more in the mold of Goddard.

    I would select him ahead of NicNat who is will be an elite ruckman for the next decade, but you dont waste top picks on ruckmen. They can be easily acquired by trade or discovered late in the draft. If it was draft day 2008 and I was calling the shots it would be between Watts, Hurley & Rich, with Hurley taking the cake (just).

    Yeah I'd go Hurley too, another player who loves the contest. Sorry, Watts often looks like a more accomplished Morton. Not always, sometimes he has a real go. But it doesn't seem to be a natural instinct.

  8. Just watched the replay after being at the game today... Not sure why I felt the need.

    It's very evident that Watts has almost everything as a footballer... except for intensity. He really could have been the difference tonight, he had 4 or 5 opportunities to really shine but just couldn't step it up a notch.

    What is it going to take?

    Torture a kitten in front of him? Jumper leads to the nipples?

    Why doesn't he care?

    Someone was saying last night he's better than NicNat. I laughed. NicNat has something that elevates him miles above Watts: appetite for the contest. Watts's miss from dead in from was bad, the dropped mark was pathetic, Morton-like. Symptomatic of the team.

  9. Can you name me one player in our backline you have confidence in when they are trying to get it out of our defensive 50? It's a massive hole in our list IMO.

    I used to have it with Davey off half-back and Frawley. But yeah, take your point, none. Neeld's sent them into their shell. They're petrified of stuffing up and so stuff up.

  10. I cringed when he pulled out of that marking contest in the last.

    Sure if he got injured I'd have spewed, but really bad look for a captain.

    I was all for going with youth but I don't think Trengove is coping with the burden.

    Another disasterous aspect of this season.

    Neeld's decision, together with the dreary kicks along the boundary line. Trengove is 20 or so. No way he should be burdened with the responsibility.

    The coach is a loose cannon. All mouth and drama and surprised when it blows up.

    People can talk cattle all they want. Melbourne of 2011 would've beaten that Doggies outfit, that's how bad the dogs are. We also had the emotional drive. To lose that is shattering. To look at the rounds ahead is depressing.

    • Like 1
  11. Melbourne are bloody shocking. When James Hird came to Essendon they underwent dramatic change over a pre-season. It wasn't too much for them to ingest a new game plan.

    What gets up my nose about Neeld is all the chest-beating and bravado. If he understood we were in major trouble you start trying to manage expectations. It looks to me as though he had no idea that was the case until we were pounded on the field.

    I wish the guy well. But I'm a bit concerned about his judgement.

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