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DirtyDees DDC

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Posts posted by DirtyDees DDC

  1. TEAM

    Backline structure at kick-ins was embarrassing. Repeating the same sequence six times in a row in third quarter and not working once. Backline coach needs a rod hot poker shoved somewhere. And how SLOW do we get our kick-ins started???


    Totally utterly agree. Poor Tapscott. He could barely walk in the last yet still tried to run and cover a player on the wing.

    Yes he was too slow kicking out, but that can be fixed by coaching and leadership - two of the many things we were lacking tonight. Tapscott is just a 2nd game player and someone needed to tell him to use plan B or Plan C or ANYTHING. Instead we fall into the same old Hawthorn trap - they increase the pressure on our backline; we lose confidence and panic under pressure, and turn the ball over. When he kicks that ball out from full back - we should have 18 guys knowing what he's going to do and where they have to be.

    Tell me this ...if they score 9 goals in a quarter - doesn't that give us 9 chances to win the ball at the centre square and launch the ball into our forward line? Surely there must be other tactics we can use. Are we getting done at the bounce simply because Hale's arm is longer than Jamar's arm? And do the words 'man up' mean anything to the team? We continually give our opponents 5 to 10 metres and they continually led us to the ball . If things are going badly, let's try playing man-on-man for a few minutes ...please!!!

    Finally, to let them score a goal within 30 seconds of the start of the last quarter, after a terrible hiding in the 3rd and (hopefully) a baking from the coaches at 3/4 time, is one of the most shameful performances i seen from the club.

  2. Sadly the fly in the ointment is a big black and white one. They are light years ahead of everyone else at the moment, and partly because their 3 main rivals have slipped back.

    It wont be long before we see the headlines... 'can anyone beat xxxxxxxwood?

  3. Roy Masters is a former Rugby League coach and a frequent critic of AFL. He argues that the NRL is a more even competition than the AFL; that on 'any given Sunday' you can pick almost any match from the NRLs' fixture for that weekend and guarantee that both sides have a fair chance of winning. He contrasted the NRLs' level playing field with the AFLs' 2009 season, where the top two clubs in St Kilda and Geelong were undefeated after the first 13 games.

    Not so in 2011. This season we have seen 5 of the 9 games finish with a margin under 6 points. Last night was a ripper game where a side widely picked to finish in the bottom 4 has nearly beat the second favourite for the flag. And they lost their best player in J Reiwoldt in the first quarter. The lead changed hands at least 5 times in the last quarter alone and it highlighted that fantastic feature of AFL where you can win (and lose) a game with just one kick. Maybe games are close because of the Sub rule or maybe the fitness levels of all teams are more even, or perhaps the fixture has paired up a list of evenly matched teams in the first two rounds.

    I think this means that the Dees have a decent chance of beating the Dorks this weekend. We wont start favourites and they have owned us for the last 4 years, but we won the contested possessions last week against the Swans who specialise in clearances and stoppages. The Dorks have pushed us off the ball in the past, so I'm interested to see if our new training facilities have turned the Dees into muscle men. Note that our two most junior players in Tapscott and Trengove are very solid builds. I suggest we need to 'enforce our opinions' tomorrow.

    It's a big match for Moloney. He's had good games in the past but struggled to get consistency. He played well last week and strangely the new game seems to suit him, as it looks like sides are kicking the ball more this year. They are using long bombs from full back and long bombs to a contest in the forward line. 'Position' seems to be as important as 'possession'. In the last quarter against the Swans the first two clearances out of the centre were long kicks by Moloney. Now i know He's been criticised for not hitting targets but one of those kicks ended up under Jurrah's armpit. Moloney could become one of the top midfielders in the league.

    Go Dees!!!

  4. I have no problem with loans to related parties, provided it is done on 'arms length' terms; is transparent, and the amount loaned is no more than 5% of the total assets (a bit like the conditions for self managed super funds). This deal seems to meet all three requirements.

  5. It was a great bump. And payback by Davey too, for what McGlynn did to Davey in May 2009 when he was a hawk.

    Davey mentioned that match last year on the Mangrook footy show. Aaron has a long memory.

  6. Tell me... when you have a backline that can include Rivers (what about that kick into the man on the mark!!!!), Bartram, Martin, MacDonald, Garland and Warnock ...who else is going to kick the ball out of defence?!! No wonder we put Tapscott down the back, and no wonder we use Davey in the backline. Even Frawley is not the greatest kick.

    Grimes takes the kicks 'cos he gets it the most, and he's the best of an average lot.

  7. Please let this match be better than last night's contest between Geelong and Sydney. That was a shocker. It's hard to believe they were the 2nd and 3rd best sides in 2010.

    Everyone seems a bit rusty at the moment. The skill levels are poor - even experienced players like Scarlett and Reivoldt missed marks, and the umpiring is far too technical and inconsistent. The talent pool is also suffering because of the new clubs - there were too many players last night (eg Gamble) who should not get a game in a top side.

    At least Melbourne appear to have good depth with Bate, Gysberts and Wonaemirri available but not picked. I suspect Trengove will be the sub if the club are concerned about him playing a full game after his injury. Good to see players like Maric and Jetta picked on their performance rather than just potential. They deserve to be in the side.

    This will be a tough match. Our backline turn the ball over too often; our centreline is slow and our forwards lack height. We also have guys like Garland and Sylvia picked out of position due to injuries.

    I know it's hard to judge form on the NAB cup matches, but the Swans definitely had a better pre-season - they did well against Collingwood and beat St Kilda. They are specialists at the clearances and have a gun forward in Adam Goodes.

    I hope our home ground advantage will give us the edge. If we play their close checking defensive game we could be in trouble.

    Go Dees.

  8. I've heard some good reports on Dan Nicholson's game today. Any thoughts?

    I don't think he had a great game - too many errors (eg; the dropped mark in the 2nd qtr).

    Jetta and Maric must be dead certs for round 1. Jetta has upped his possession count and is one of the best 'chase and tackles' in the team. Maric is sneaking his 2-3 goals per match and is our leading small forward at the moment.

    Tapscott and Howe will also get a run this year. I think they'll play Tapscott in as many games as possible, subject to fitness, 'cos they need his boot.

    Strauss and Martin are not showing marked signs of improvement. They both look fitter, but that's all. I think both are out of contract at the end of this year. We got rid of Buckley who played last night for Collingwood and was in their best players. He showed pace out of the backline and hit targets. We could regret delisting him in 2009.

    We are playing Bate in the wrong position. We park him up forward and hope he can do something with our long bombs. He's a better player when he runs forward from midfield - as in 2009. Dunn and Moloney also had quiet games but Bate needs to show us why he should be selected ahead of Dunn, Petterd, Maric and Tapscott.

    One thing i learnt yesterday - torpedo punts are now called 'Barrels'. Good name.

  9. Without trying to upset the positive vibe around the news today

    I was at golf day with Mike Sheehan last week and he says categorically that Scully has agreed to terms with GWS via his manager. A point to note that Graeme Allan of GWS is a very close friend of Mike's.

    Although he has not officially signed with GWS an agreement via his management company Velocity and GWS has been done. Now before you all shoot me down please note that I am passing on what I heard with the other 100 people on that day

    I obviously don't want to see him go but the details of this seem like its done

    In his article on March 2, Mike Sheahan did not say categorically that Scully has agreed to terms with GWS. Instead he says that 'Scully finds himself under enormous pressure as speculation mounts that he has committed to GWS from 2012.'

    There's a big difference between 'categoric' and 'speculative'. Looks like Mike has had a change of heart about his 'categoric' proof.

  10. Thanks for the write up.

    Just to clarify, Jack was not out of contract during last season, his contact ended at the end of the season, and a new one was not signed until then. Similar to Scully, he is contracted this year.

    Thanks for the update Thomo. I wasn't 100% sure when he signed.

    When i tuned in thought they were interviewing Tim Harrington and i thought - gee this guy is good - great depth of knowledge. Turns out it was Schwab. Pity he was part of the group that gave too many concessions to GC and GWS, but that's another story.

    He also discussed the NAB cup and said we need something before the season starts, because it's too hard to go from your typical pre-season to a full scale AFL match - too many guys would get injured.

    I guess he's saying that the NAB cup is the bridge b/w pre-season training and a proper match, and we should view our performances so far in the NAB cup in that context.

  11. Just listened to Cam Schwab on SEN, sounding very professional as usual.

    He talked about Tom and compared the situation with Jack Watts last year, where Jack was out of contract for most of the season. Cam said that that Tom is a terrific person from a very good family; very focused (all stuff you'd expect Cam to say, but it reinforces the general impression people have about Tom). It sounded like he had good lines of communication and was in regular daily contact with Tom. Cam stated that the media hype surrounding Tom and GWS was not a distraction to Tom (and i think he said the club too).

    Cam was concerned that Tom was being painted as someone he wasn't (could be a reference here the Mike Sheahan's article where he compared Tom to Nathan Buckley).

    He also talked about Fev and the scorpions. The club would prefer that Fev did not play with Casey, but it was up to Casey to make that decision.

  12. Without trying to upset the positive vibe around the news today

    I was at golf day with Mike Sheehan last week and he says categorically that Scully has agreed to terms with GWS via his manager. A point to note that Graeme Allan of GWS is a very close friend of Mike's.

    Although he has not officially signed with GWS an agreement via his management company Velocity and GWS has been done. Now before you all shoot me down please note that I am passing on what I heard with the other 100 people on that day

    I obviously don't want to see him go but the details of this seem like its done

    This story tallies with Sheahans's article this morning.

    The implication here is that Tom has said he will sign with GWs at the end of the season.

    The word from sources close to his family is that reports in the media about Tom are bulls%$t.

    The club seems to be cautiously optimistic, or quietly confident.

    It could be that Tom's management has agreed that the terms of the contract offered by GWS are reasonable, and are discussing the offer with Tom. They have emphatically denied that Tom has put pen to paper and signed anything.

    If Tom holds a press conference this week, I hope someone asks him -'have you made a verbal agreement with your management to sign with GWS in 2011?'.

  13. looking forward to seeing tapscott, saw him walking down fed square one day with some little blonde number....BIG BOY!

    I think Tapscott has to understand that he has been recruited by an Australian Rules football club, not a weightlifting club.

    Everyone says to him 'gee what a great body' so he goes into the gym and does more weights. Maybe he needs to build up his speed and stamina so it will get him through 4 quarters of football.

  14. I'd still rest Jamar and Davey. They are 27yo with at least 8 pre-seasons each. They are also our 2 most important players ATM. An Extra NAB preseason match will not make any difference - they both trained for most of this pre season.

    Let's see the kids a chance to show us if they are good enough; then bring back Jamar and Davey in 2 weeks time.

  15. We got ambushed at a smaller ground by a side with the former defensive coach of the Demons. They killed us in tackles, clearances and forward 50's. Who on earth has 80 tackles in a NAB cup match?

    They played it like a regular game, putting huge pressure on our ball carriers and getting at least 10 goals from turnovers. The coaches have to work out whether our defensive errors were because the backmen lack skill, or whether they didn't get enough support from midfield.

    My disappointment was that when we did do something well, we relaxed. There were two occasions where we kicked 3 in a row - starting to look good - then they kicked the next 5 or 6.

    We are suffering from long injury lists for the past two years. I think we had 15 on the club list at the end of 2010 and 18 in 2009. We just haven't been able to get enough gametime into Strauss, Blease, Gysberts, Tapscott, Gawn an Fitzpatrick so they are ready to step up and replace Bruce and Junior.

    With all the talk about Hunt and Falau switching codes, we have to be careful that the NRL clubs don't start poaching AFL players. We have 3 guys in Moloney, Jones, and Sylvia that play the game like rugby league - They have this mindset of 'let's see how many tackles we can break in a game!!!'. It fails too many times.

    Good to see Maric do well. Our conversion from entries into the forward 50 was very good, and will get better when Petterd returns.

  16. Good.

    Great time to take a younger squad on the road. Leave a few of our better NAB cup performed players in Melbourne (ie. Jamar, Jurrah, Sylvia, Grimes, Trengove). Gives an opportunity to give Nicholson and Cook a run who didn't look out of place in Adelaide. Increase the game time for Blease, Strauss, Spencer and Martin.

    Makes sense. Use next week to rest a few of the seniors and then pick our round 1 side for the last pre season match (hopefully at Casey).

    I'd bring in Petterd, Scully and McKenzie if fit, and also rest Davey; keep Howe and Evans, and let's get Tapscott and Gysberts out of cotton wool.

    We could field a side with less experience than Gold Coast.

  17. Okay..., so after reading this thread the one thing I can say with certainty is that there are a lot of deluded fans here. No one wants to believe that Tom Scully is going to leave Melbourne simply for Dollars, so you are all trying to think of reasons for why he would stay. BUT why wouldn't he go to GWS? What ties does he have to the club at the moment? There is a reason Scully chose to only sign a two year rookie contract not a three year contract like Trengrove.

    People on this site have been saying Tom is very driven, professional, cares about the demons, has known the playing group for a long time, his family and support network are in Melbourne. News flash, 100% of those statements were true for Gary Ablett Junior too, Ablett’s support network was in Geelong, he was born and raised in Geelong, he supported Geelong growing up, yet still chose to leave! Why will Scully be different? (Note: there was jousting in amongst Demons staff about whether to pick Scully number one or two, because they were afraid he wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure of being a number one pick?)

    GWS will offer Scully a much much bigger contract than the Demons can, and I believe Scully will take it! It hurts to say this but it is the truth and we need to realise it. I take some solace in the fact that I think trengrove is going to be a better player, appears to be tougher, is bigger in size and has a bigger engine from what I have seen.

    If Scully was going to even contemplate signing with Melbourne and it wasn't about dollars, why wouldn't he negotiate now??? There is no sane answer for that? By not signing with Melbourne he is throwing the dice that he won’t get a devastating injury at any point this year. The only reason he would wait and risk that is because GWS have expressed interest in him and given him an indication of Dollars.

    GWS would gladly spend more money on Scully rather than Pendulbry. Pendulbry is proven as a gun, is better right now, but GWS want a player who will be a gun in 2 years, not now. Scully is a perfect fit for team captain there.

    Why would Scully go to GWS? To be the face of the franchise, to be THE man there, also there are the dollars? The future for GWS in Scully's prime i.e. 2013 to 2018, will be far better than the Demons. It is a sad fact but after the year 2014, the Demons will be light on talent, with GWS and Gold Coast stealing 90% of all the good young players it should be a given that GWS and Gold Coast will dominate during that period, or at least more likely to be competetive than the teams that are good now (collingwood, st kilda, etc)

    The only plausible way I think Demons could keep Scully, is if we make the grand final this year and LOSE it! Then he will think okay, I can stay here for less money and challenge for a flag or even win it next year. If we make the granny and win it, then he will say, okay there is nothing more to do here, I will go to GWS for heaps of dollars. If we don't make the granny he won't stay because who knows how we will go next year.

    I think we are ready for finals this year, and need to make a charge at a flag this year or the next. Most of our players are in thier primes or about to be next year. Losing Scully next year will hurt, big time! Hopefully we can trade the picks we get back for someone who can help us immediatley so we don't stumble too much.

    Scully is going to leave, we need to acknowledge this and embrace it. The writing is on the wall in blue and red blood!

    I was talking to a customer today who does a fair bit of work in footy in the south Eastern Suburbs.

    The talk turned to football and he said he had good news for me (being a Melbourne supporter).

    He said he knows a very good friend of the family. The rumour that Tom is going to GWS is pure Bulltish.

    Tom has not signed. Tom is very happy with the Dees and he is VERY close with his family here in Melbourne.

    Tom has either bought a place here with his sister or has gone into business with his sister (he wasn't sure but this tallies with an earlier thread)or is in the process of doing so. Moving to GWS? It's just not on.

    To Jrod, can you please reveal your source that says he will leave?

  18. Richard Nixon...Ricky Nixon....what is it with these idiots that they cant open their mouths without uttering rubbish !!

    As the golden rule suggests you do unto others as youd have them do unto you..... karma Ricky...karma !! lol

    Let's not forget Christine Nixon and THAT dinner on Black Saturday.

  19. Headline on the front page of 'The Sunday Age' this morning from 'Hey 17'. "The first time (we had sex) was the 24th January...you don't just come up for a cup of

    Milo, do you?"

    It's marvellous what a difference Milo makes.

  20. It just goes to prove that there is no such thing as a free lunch (or in this case a free ride).

    The utter stupidity of the man and the gleeful revenge of the girl is a thing to behold.

    I think I've got a fair idea why we were booted from the Garden of Eden.

    "Inappropriate dealings". It's an unusual phrase from Ricky. Maybe he was too drunk and he meant to say 'Ina Gadda Da Vida'.

  21. What, you MEAN,,, this One!


    Thank you for those terrific links. It's a cooler, funkier version of the song, but missing that great Jeff 'Skunk' Baxter guitar solo in the middle.

    It's interesting to see a live version of this song, because they didn't do this number at Rod Laver Arena a couple of years ago. Don Fagen even had a go at a heckler in the front row who was calling out for 'Rikki...'.

  22. I have no idea of the veracity of your claims, and I don't base my views on any 'inside' knowledge.

    Occam's Razor tells me that he hasn't signed, he is entitled to wait, we shouldn't be worried, we will pay over market, and he should be kept from answering the bottomless pit of questions that journos would have for him.

    The next move for the club - let it be.

    We will give him an offer in time, it will be a good one, keep him from pressers not involving the words 're-signing today,' and don't confront him or give him an ultimatum.

    We are the MFC and we keep our best players.

    Another example - Aaron Davey.

    I believe the front loaded his contract in 2009 so the club would have more cash for the new kids on the block.

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