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Everything posted by montasaurus

  1. Similar to the Stkilda game plan? put pressure on the ball carrier to force the error. Issue is with a bunch of kids it sometimes does not come off. I would rather see 3 charging in to tackle the ball carrier as opposed to all zoneing/standing back and giving them time to hit up a target and get smashed by 100pts like much of last year. I see this as our biggest improvement on last year - pressure on the opporsition ball carrier. I do agree with your second point but hopefully this is currently just over eagerness of a young side and over time they will learn better decision making
  2. if thats the only change I would like to see LJ get a jumper. Might be a bit top heavy v bombers if martin starts back, if we are looking to add an extra forward then LJ has to be close to top of this list with miller.
  3. You haven't given out your password to rhino have you HT? I had to read this post twice!
  4. Correct, if we are 1 or 2 wins and nine at this time next year the pressure will start to build. Write off this year, at the mid point next year we have to be closer to 4 or 5 wins min at half way, i.e., are "competetive" against most sides and the odd upset win early in the year as opposed to generally good efforts thus far without any upset wins. From this a little momentum can be gained and set up for a 2nd half assult on the 8 ala essendon this year.
  5. just as well, imagine the club trying to explain both PJ and MJ dropped due to no match ups for them!
  6. On a side note, is this year our best ever record with the tribunal? at this stage of the season?
  7. Discraceful. Playing old never was beens in the 20/20 insted of proven 20/20 specialists. serves the aust team right! BL = terrible and will probably cost a good young bowler their spot in the ashes! Time to retire. Don't get me started about hodge!
  8. Anything we get out of watts this year is a bonus. Once his VCE is finished and he has 100% commitment (in terms of time) we will see where he is truely at. 2010 is shaping up as a year to really look forward to.
  9. Clone him twice and give him a go forward as well! Starting HB changing on W or C. He is a Gun - How has he not had a nomination for the rising star yet? Avg 100 Super Coach points and not soft points like many players!
  10. Starting to get excited here! Robbo/Watts/LJ - Almost enough to get me to the Dome! Geez I hate that place
  11. HFF rotating at times through the middle, Too good overhead and big bodied for a small forward. 6 great weeks but needs to turn it into 17 good/great weeks. Behind JW/LJ/JG easily the most exciting progress thus far.
  12. Maybe he did see that one good game he played v geelong.
  13. Right on the money there, Bar davey whats the biggest issue/weakness? Pace - we look slow against top sides. Sylvia's form in the last 6 weeks has been fantastic but he is not a quick mid in my eyes rather a flanker that can do damage ala Ryan Okeef. Initially I was thinking a gun mid and a KPF would be the go with 1+2 at the end of the year if we get them but all of a sudden mondays game makes me think pace might be the go. Get the two best mids in the land, and cross fingers with a KPF (martin/newton/Jurrah/.......etc). The other 4 look like being great players but pace is an issue. Blease is an unknown and who knows if his pace will now be effected. This leaves strauss out of this years group, hopefully he can continue to develop and get a go later in the year. I would have Beamer/Jones in the core group thus far as well, I think many forget how young they are. for example we would all be singing the praises of hill and rich had have we had 1+2 and taken them this year. Watts will be good but its the middle that the game is won and lost and unfortunately this is our biggest problem.
  14. I will go out on a limb here and say that all that are being critical of our captain are wrong. The fact is he is the captain and for a reason. He did not get the job by default. If he believes he is fit then he plays simple. What may happen at the end of the season will happen at the end of the season. We could do a lot worse then JMac as C ATM IMO. then there was that bump on swan. He had just run around another snr player, and jnr player who both laid less then satisfactory efforts and then along came macca. About the only good memory out of the whole day. Where was the rush to congratulate him? only a couple made the effort which is reflective of our team at the moment. If every player made an effort like that yesterday who knows what may have happened. We have a few passengers at the moment both snr and young players JMAC is not one.
  15. I don't know if we need an inforcer as such. Our biggest issue was that we were 2nd to the ball all day, forwards, backs and mids. Leg speed and a bit of smarts was what was lacking. Can't wait for the next crop of mids to start coming through. Unfortunately Mclean, maloney, Jnr, Jones etc just don't have the pace to match it with top sides. then there are skills but I will leave that one alone. Our drive and ability to cover the ball carrier was pathetic and no wonder we were smashed! Most dissapointed i have been after a game in a long time (that includes those 100pt thrashings last year!)
  16. No need to protect him if he is on the bench, I think he will start on the bench until the sting goes out of the game 5mins in. Well thats what I would do.
  17. I'll second that, have updated our work network (6 pc's) to KL protection for approx 1 mth without an issue. Easily the best AV I have used so far and very user friendly. 1st day it was on it picked up 3 viruses that 2 other leading AV software had missed.
  18. Agree time is running out, and if we are still on track for a priority pick bucks could be a little unlucky at the end of the year. wheatly is the biggest concern is he fully fit? I thought he may have still been injured
  19. Are you mad? Jamar is playing the best footy of his career in the last few weeks (yes at casey but still showing good form) Maric - Has had 2 good solid games Simple - NOT A CHANCE THIS WILL HAPPEN!
  20. the NT like Tas is a free market for any AFL club to develop. - Sour Grapes if the WAFL leauge was so important to the doggies why did they not sponser them in the 5yrs they have been developing - Sour Grapes Smorgan + co are quickly becoming the new biggest wingers in the AFL. Put up or Shut up!
  21. Well done! Although there still could be a chance he wont play. I don't want to put a dampener on it but on SEN this morning they are reporting that 2 brighton grammer students have tested positive to H1N1. Lets cross our fingers there has been no exposure!
  22. I'll go out on a limb - 90156
  23. is there any more news/rumor on this one? if its true I might not be able to sleep sun night!
  24. Funniest thing I have heard in a while. What were the both thinking? I wonder if it was a bit of a stage ala footy show stuff
  25. Just got the text. Agree well planned supprised they didn't let GL annouce it on TFS.
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