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Posts posted by Vipercrunch

  1. 44 minutes ago, Dwight Schrute said:

    Beaten by a better team, no need to panic 

    We were a little bit off outside of a couple of patches, very confident we will bounce back against the Lions next week

    lots of teams who win multiple flags have lost qualifying finals 


    I agree but we look quite banged up.  The group next us spotted Trac struggling very early and mentioned it a lot.  That got me looking and when you start to notice the limping and strapping where you haven’t seen it before, you can’t stop seeing it.  On top of a Trac, Kozzy looks very sore with heavy knee strapping, BBB too.  Dogga’s knee also strapped.  Salem looked off.  

    We live to fight another day.

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  2. The camera angles are time synchronised, so when 3 different angles show the ball over the post at the same time, for me that’s definitive proof it was a behind.  Basic triangulation (geometry).

    The goal umpire did not get into the perfect position to see for sure (no fault of his as it happened so fast), and I think there needs to be a change to the rule when this happens.  They should not have to give a soft call if they know they weren’t in a position to make a solid call.  Make a null call and let the ARC make a call.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, DemonWheels said:

    Brisbane want to play fast but their players are never in position to do so, never quite forward enough making space.

    and then to make matters worse their disposal is atrocious. 

    Yeah, they’re their own worst enemy at the moment.  Trying to play fast footy is playing right into Richmond’s hands.

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  4. 15 hours ago, Lord Nev said:

    Yet our highest MG for the year was the week after the bye when many (myself included) think we were doing heavy loading...


    This was addressed at the time.  The CBA rules that go with the bye make it the perfect week to plan a deload week.  If our bye was 14 days long, we could have very well also begun and completed the next load week, and would have played fatigued for that game.  However, we only had a 9 day bye break so there was no time to do do a full week of load in two days, therefore we played looking fresh.

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  5. Has anyone seen footage of the Answerth suspension?  He got the week suspension for striking ANB (intentional, body contact and medium impact) which I think most assume resulted in the ANB spew, but I haven't seen any footage which is pretty unusual these days.

  6. 54 minutes ago, dl4e said:

    Great win by the girls. I thaught our composure was the biggest factor in the win. 

    100%. Adelaide brought finals like pressure, especially in the first half and we absorbed it and kept getting our hands on the ball first.  Amazing first up game really.

    I’m very glad we got through seemingly unscathed as the ground condition was pretty bad.

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