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Allen Jakovich

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Posts posted by Allen Jakovich

  1. I can see a repeat of Moloney, where the minute he gets dropped, he throws the toys out of the cot and wants out.

    Baseless and ignorant assertion.

    Every time Col has made a mistake in his career, he has worked his butt off to make up for it, and has always taken all of the knocks on him square on the chin, from keyboard warriors and knobs on the street alike.

    He's a ripper bloke and loves the club.

    Try showing our players some respect.

    • Like 5
  2. I think we are a lot better than our results suggest n the preseason, but only if injuries are kind. I've seen all the games a few times now (except for GC but with 2 less rotations the result was a foregone conclusion in those conditions)

    If we get close to full seasons out of blease, dawes, trengove and clark we will win upwards of 7 games, I'm very confident of that. We are sooo much fitter than last year and our fitness was the reason we didn't get a handful more wins last year.

    Am I excited? Bloody oath. Is that tempered by the heartbreak of 2012? Hell yeah.

    Roll on Sunday week and let's get this show on the road...

    • Like 1
  3. I'll be focusing on the subtle changes this year, with particular emphasis on how they play as a team. Blocking and shepparding is just one element, I'll be looking for encouragement after kicking a goal even if we are 10 goals behind, or more importantly, if we have kicked 3 on end, hoping to see the players get around each other and ensure we keep the momentum.


    When we start playing like a team, the trust in one's teammate, the confidence, and then the results, will come.

    But great post OP, I agree those rounds will be a real litmus test.

    • Like 1
  4. Were you at the game? I wasn't and was wondering whether Watts spent a lot of time on the bench. Watching the replay I didn't see much of him. Maybe that would account for his meagre stats sheet?

    Yeah i thought he was subbed in after qtr time.
  5. Made the trip out to Casey today, some observations.

    * Our structures are much improved on last year. Our zone was holding up the Saints out of the back half quite often, forcing them wide and to execute pin point passing to move the ball forward.

    * Overall I thought we were just about the better side today, and the stats back that up. If it weren't for their 2nd qtr burst, it would have been a very close run thing. THeir polish when they had momentum really hurt us, yet we missed shots when we needed to score and just couldn't quite hit our targets often enough.

    * Terlich looks like he has a big future. His attack on the ball and safe hands were a highlight.

    * Jamar dominated the taps, unfortunately a lot of them were to Jonesy and St Kilda's Jones was sitting on him, so he was unable to clear.

    * Can we please stop playing Joel Macdonald. He costs us so many goals from his mistakes, even if indirectly.

    * Gee we would have been better for having Ollie WInes in the centre square today... but I'm sure the Toump will be better for the run.

    * Pederson should only play if Dawes or Clark are not fit for Round 1. Sellar has earnt the right to play, pederson hasn't.

    * The tackling today really let us down.. We pressured well but couldn't lay the tackles effectively.

    * Davey had a poor game, let's not slaughter him in NAB3, please.

    * Overall, not a fantastic effort but far better than a lot on here are giving the boys credit for. Looking forward to next week.

    • Like 3
  6. 4G has nothing to do with it. Hopefully they aren't going to be videoing it off their phones.

    Casey isn't exactly Liam Jurrah Remote... it has cable.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't allowed to stream it live. But I would be happy with a recording to watch the following few days

    Lol, 4G isn't phone technology mate, it's wireless networking technology, and if you're in a regional footy ground in the middle of nowhere, with no decent cable or high grade adsl connection, how do you think your going to upload the streaming data? A few tin cans?

    Even if they did have decent cable access at Casey, you then have to wire to your recording device, put in a fair bit of time and effort testing, etc. THen as mentioned elsewhere you have the bandwidth limitations of the MFC site, etc.

  7. So, if THEY can do it, why on earth can't our outfit...?? We might be the oldest club in the land. But, just a little bit of modern thinking in the IT realm wouldn't be a bad idea, surely! Can't be THAT hard, surely!

    Probably because Wagga was fitted out with 4g by Telstra last year.
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