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Everything posted by heartbeatstrue

  1. Robbie Flower (silky, a gazelle) Garry Lyon Ron Barassi (too young to watch him live, but he broke my little heart when my uncle told me the news of his defection) Alan Johnson Jeff Farmer (my son's choice, along with GL, Neita, Jimmy Stynes & Robbo)
  2. Thanks Jarka, yep it will be another 'small miracle'. There's a great 'buzz' around the club just now, I'm feeling (hoping) it's real and not just another illusion. If that's the case, we're going to taste the ultimate victory and in our lifetimes. That will be the Big Miracle!! Cheers
  3. Yep in the collingwood cosmos, every game's a home game for them, every gate receipt is theirs (or else we're thieves), and every jumper clash is resolved by anyone but collingwood changing their jumper. Pricks!
  4. Ummm... could we have a premiership with that??
  5. Well it would be good to get the history exactly right, I agree. I know that at the time of the proposed merger, MFC's balance sheet was in good shape. But my understanding was, this was not regarded as being susntainable long-term for the reasons 1) very low membership base, 2) generally weak on-field performance, 3) poor training facilities, and 4) no central adminisatration/training facility owned by the club. In other words, money in the bank but nowhere near enough to fix the significant problems that the club had let fester. We either had to spend more than we had to start on the road to success in modern footy, or die (merge) with a healthy bank balance. Why else would someone like Gutnick put up to $2M of his own money into a club, if it had plenty of funds for what money is for - spending on what is necessary (for football success in this case)? I also am aware of the unsettled period that followed, especially the tensions during Joe's tenure. Let's just say that there are two sides to every story, now is the time to forget the rights and wrongs of back then and all work together 'going forward' (today's buzz word) so that history will be glowing when it's written about the era that began yesterday! GO DEES!
  6. You missed the irony: After all, MFC is considerably more successful than Collingwood in the past 50 years. They need our sympathy if anything. Yep it was a cheap shot by Garry, let's show more class and support our collingwood colleagues in their misery...
  7. Actually I agree with you pantaloons, I hate it when other supporters kick us when we're down. After all, MFC is considerably more successful than Collingwood in the past 50 years. They need our sympathy if anything. Yep it was a cheap shot by Garry, let's show more class and support our collingwood colleagues in their misery...
  8. Sure does! Pleasant lot... (lovely pic that goes with it btw, check out the two totally handsome dudes... )
  9. Uncle Joe Gutnick I remember the dark day, Melbourne was close to going down the (financial) gurgler not to mention being swallowed in a merger with the Tassie Hawks. I was taking a phone call at work in the foyer and a mate walked past & said there's some millionaire mining magnate who's just rescued your club with a $2M donation. I had never heard of Uncle Joe and thought he was pulling my leg. 2 mill, it couldn't be true. But it was, a miracle. We had a saviour from the depths of despair. Later I was at the rally at Dallas Brooks Hall. Joe is a great Demon, he put his hand up when it counted. One day I want to shake his hand (I wore a red and blue yarmulke to the 2000 grand final, in appreciation of Joe and because he couldn't be there on account of his Jewish faith). Great work Jimmy, being inclusive! PS has someone merged two threads here??
  10. Foxtel are giving dollar for dollar, up to 100 grand, so that's 1.85M already by your estimates...
  11. You with ASIO or something?? Gee glad I wasn't there, they would have skun me out... Great intelligence, Haydo. Thx.
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